

Girl's Sound.
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.

No place to go, no place to move. It was just me, the sound and the empty corridor with a glass window installed.

I preferred to crouch myself and closed my eyes. I tried to raise my palperbra with enough courage to face but the fear won't allow me. Every time I did, fear dragged me down.

A sound arouse from a corner-
" James? Hey James?"
The sound was of a young girl child. The sound continued to grow. It was certain the girl was coming closer every moment. I opened my eyes to face but with no confidence. As I made a glance, two red triangular shaped object appeared. I was terrified.

I impulsively leaped on the window and made a fall. After that, I wasn't able to sense my feet and hands. I knew it very that I currently have lost them. But the inner me was happy and the fear was settling down.

Nearby people rushed towards me and booked a stretch. I was restored in the same hospital but in another room, closer to the doctor's chamber.

I felt lucky from within. I had got a fracture but had successfully escaped the ghost.
Later on, when my family came to see me, I saw my little sister with a red triangular ribbon on her collar.

Now, I knew that my family members aren't wrong. They regard me as a fool which literally I am for which I am such a decision. Such a fool who can't even recognise his sister's voice.

The date of my discharge was passed 2 months after only if I should not perform any such filmy activity again.