

Concealed and deep joys of life.
Have you ever undergone a phase where it is much complex to choose the right route in life?
A time where you want to enjoy every joys of life but at the same time stand still with a breath of emptiness in heart. When you want to talk to someone but at the same time having a fear of confessing your opinion. Sometimes the situations become too worse that you yourself become a barrier to your own actions.
Can someone enjoy his own company without being open to others?
Yes,there are a few people who are living their life as a mediocre being afraid of losing anybody..
What I believe is that being a person having tensed in every minute matters it will be better to behold their favorites from a distant. Sometimes radiance can become the cause of dejection while the dark and gloomy clouds can be the reason of exciting joys.
What I want to shed light on is that a book cannot be judged by it's cover.
You can find a dull, aggressive and moody figure to be trustworthy and a being spreading so much smiles in her face to be one you want to fade in just a few seconds.
Life is not what we see from it's appearance.It has both the thorns and roses. It is a book which not only give lessons but also experiences and your skill is to appreciate the good in every phases before it get vanished.