

I knew it was snakes still around I just didn't know who.... I need to pay more close attention to my energy and the things that is put in place for me to see in the way that I feel because I would have been able to handle that situation a lot better than what I did if I would have just paid attention to the inner me. Everything that I post are the random thoughts and feelings not knowing that I should have knew a situation was coming my way because of the posts I have been making that could of helped me humble myself and that's the only reason why I still post on Facebook. I'm able to look back and see what I was going through how I was feeling before a situation occur. But I know now I need to work on controlling my feelings, emotional stress, and depression when it is happening and not let it continue to build up inside of me because I'm not myself when it comes out. I was smiling through everything that I have been going through and thinking even the losses that I have took as far as family members. A lot of people hear me but no one can help me and at times I feel there's nothing I can do to help myself even with the self knowledge and the self love and the self care. I am still dealing with mental and emotional pain that will never go away. Talk to my therapist is okay but they can't physically or emotionally help me they can talk me through the day so maybe I need more therapy sessions than once a week. It's recognizing these things that makes me wonder am I stronger than what I believe but why do I weaker than what I think I am because its so much that I can handle and I have handled a lot and proud of myself but like I said all this pressure busted a diamond out of me but yet I'm not shining in the inside of me if that makes any sense to you. I'm wondering if this storm will ever be over in the inner me mentally and emotionally.
© Tea-Tea