


It was an easy feat for Debby throughout her education, to be among the top three, not until University when it became a struggle for survival. With determination to finish her major in Law, she refused advice on changing to another major and pressed on. She has had friends—in the general sense—throughout her life and one or two special friends or so she thought.

Tola, Debby, and Ola met during the first lecture before matriculation and they clicked at once. The trio, however, had a hybrid formal and informal relationship which made them close alongside creating the personal space each needed, they found themselves moving on with the class.

With a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.14 out of 5.00 since the start of school, Debby faced so many challenges trying to go higher, including minor depression which even though she never knew at the time what it was, she was able to bounce back to her feet going back to doing the things she loved to do—singing, reading, praying—but stopped doing them due to her depressive state.

Then came, the most sought-after accommodation on campus which she never got until 400level. Whereas Tola did not get accommodation, they both agreed to manage together however, Debby did not know that it would be one hell of a ride with trials.

'I always knew that human beings cannot be trusted but it's as if I am just understanding the effect and true meaning of that statement,' Debby stared into the far distance through the hostel's hallway window with hands folded behind her back in deep thought. 'Here I am struggling to make good the same GPA we started with which she has gone ahead to balance—not that I am not reading or trying very hard to balance mine too but it's just not working—and there she is not even concerned about my academics. I know everyone is left to herself when it comes to grades and no one will write exams for anyone but what happened to being FRIENDS?' With an exterior calm, war raged on inside her head and heart.

Debby and Ola, on the one hand, have a close formal relationship. While they only saw themselves in the class held generally, they still maintained that bond even to the extent of being featured on the school's Radio FM at the invitation of only Ola. However, on the other hand, Tola can be likened to a companion with whom Debby walked, talked, go to tutorials, and does so many other insignificant and significant things. The nonchalant attitude to the academic well-being of a friend is what baffles Debby and almost totally shattered her heart.

"Debby I have something to say." Turning swiftly, Debby's face creased into folds at the thought of what Tola had to say. "Is there something I have done? You have been acting weird, and I thought to ask." Tola walked up to her.

"Nothing at all, it's just a personal matter." Still staring out of the window, Debby replied with an expressionless face.

"Oh! Okay, no problem. I just wanted to ask." She walked away.

'You see, that's what I am talking about. No show of concern whereas if the situation were to be reversed, I would go out of my way to know what is bothering her and to help her. Are people truly like this? Or yes I have been told people cannot be trusted with one's life but it is now I am realizing how true it can be.' With downcast eyes and heart, Debby mulled over the discussion.

As the semester came to an end on the eve of Good Friday—the Easter festive period celebrated by Christians—Debby's birthday coincidentally fell on the same day everyone was to evacuate the hostel. While waiting for her sister to pick her up, the creak of the closed room door had her lifting her head from her sitting position on the bed just to see Tola sauntering in.

"Happy Birthday Debby, I just got this little food for you from the cafeteria, please accept it as a birthday gift." Smiling, she handed Debby the plate of food which was emitting a delicious aroma.

"Aww, thank you Tola, I appreciate it." Amused at the gesture, Debby stretched out her hands to collect the food.
"Are you going home now?" Trying to push down all the emotions she has been feeling for the past few weeks, Debby asked her.

"Yes, I am," Tola replied.

"Alright, safe journey back home, and do let me know when you arrive home." With a soft smile coating her face, Debby said.

"Thank you and enjoy your birthday." Tola walked out after saying goodbye.

Resuming back to school for the last session in 2019 had almost everyone tensed due to fearful stories of failures resulting in an extra year for students except Debby who decided to give it all her best and leave the rest to God. As unlucky as she thought she was, it happened that she had two carryover courses—one for the first semester and another for the second semester—which indefinitely means an unavoidable extra year.

Trembling as all of her inside ruptured with nerves at the sight of the Law of Evidence result, 'It's F—with a grade of 38—O God, why?' thoughts jumbled together in her head. Keeping a calm facade with a smile that did not reach her eyes, Debby thought, 'I know I did not do well in the exam because I forgot my cases, therefore, there is no need to fret. No problem God, as you will it. An Extra year is not a disease, I just don't know how my family will take it...' Resigned to her fate after her effort to meet the lecturer to help her add just two marks to place her on an E grade proved abortive, she mustered all her courage and told her family who in turn, encouraged her.

Debby moved on, but to say she was not bothered about Tola's nonchalant attitude would be a blatant lie. However, there was nothing she could do about it as she had realized the worth of that friendship. Even when the session finished and those that made it went on to law school, Tola never asked of her in terms of academics and as a friend.
The Covid-19 virus pandemic disrupted Debby's plan of clearing up her carryover courses that year but it was fun-filled as she was surrounded by family. Resuming back to school was a bit hectic because she was going from home which was quite a distance, but she had no choice because of the lack of accommodation in school or anywhere close to school.

The start of school though not easy, made Debby happy. She added elective courses to the carried courses to boost her CGPA, and she enjoyed the classes, both online and physical classes. What amazed her throughout the extra academic session was that God opened her eyes and heart to see and understand so many things she did not in her five years of school and one of them was that 'everyone has a period of trial to face but the time differs from person to person.' Another lesson as such was that 'the grade you graduate with does not determine nor limit where you will get to in life.' Also, through the help of the Holy Spirit, she was able to let go of her disappointment, pain, and hurt and forgive Tola.

During the year, her mates who went to law school were finally called to the Nigerian Bar Association. She took it upon herself to congratulate Tola who in turn said thank you without asking about Debby's life as a friend should and would do.

"Congratulations on your call to Bar, Tola." Debby typed on her phone as she happily congratulated Tola.

"Oh! Thank you very much, Debby." She replied briefly.

After waiting patiently for more conversation and not getting any, Debby sighed deeply, "so this is how people are! Not even asking about me in any way." Soliloquizing, Debby's words reached the ears of her sister.

"What has you sighing and speaking to yourself like that?" Her sister Maria asked.

"Hmmm! I was only thinking about Tola." Since her family members knew of what transpired between the two in school, Debby told her what just happened.

Sighing deeply, Maria advised calmly, "you see, in life, there are different types of friends," she explained. "While some are just acquaintances—those you see once in a while—and greeting them is until the next time you meet them; some are just a one-time/period friends with whom you may never come across after that phase; some are considered close friends who help you career-wise or in other ways but they do not fall under the category of companions; some are close to you only because they need what you can give which is to be their alarm, or purse or motivator; while the best of the friend category is those who are companions—a friend, acquaintance, or partner; someone with whom one spends time or accompanies—these type of friends stay with you through thick and thin." She explained.
"I am sure you now know under which category Tola falls. So dear sister, keep your wits around you, companions are very rare and when you meet them, you recognize them." She stated as she patted Debby's shoulder.

"Woah! Haven't thought as deeply as that." Debby said. "I understand perfectly sister, thank you very much." She shouted at the retreating back of Maria who sauntered on with a wave.

'Now from what my sister just said, I am not wrong to conclude that Tola falls within the second phase. She has moved on in life so I should not be so worried about what will never be long-lasting. I wish her all the best in life.' Debby perused.

Dusting her hands, Debby arose from her sitting position, "Very well then, it shows that fairytale and movie friendships, fiction or not, are different from reality. While the former depends on the spin of the authors' tale, the latter is dependent upon human choices, decisions, and actions. Hmm, life is sure not a bed of roses, it has its pins and thorns as well."


© bolwajai