

Imortals: Living in Death
I was born on a day like any other my mother had always told me but i have always had a bad atitude. In all honesty I love fighting and hadn't learn anything about it as i walk in a tavern to get a drink today.
"What can I get you sir?" said the tavern keep. a giant looks over at me and started to walk through the room. "You know your not welcome here boy" said he. Smug look in his eyes I knew he would swing at me.
His name is Muggog the giant of the desert earth wizards. He had a hammer and an atotude to boot. He knew secret traits I had no idea of.
Little did I know he would use the hammer as a way t channel magicks. He swong and the next thing i knew I was flying out of the tavern. He was laughing and slammed me to the ground. His final blow put my body in a stange rainbow colored cacoon and shoved me to a place where this adventure begins. I was thrown to Pralish, a place between the relms of Evris and Krill. my only thought was why was I here and where am I supose to go the i saw a get appear in the distance.