

How dare you.
"Where are you going?" Leon queried as his partner stormed past him in a flurry of fury. He blinked at the dark-haired blur that raced in and out of his vision over the top of his novel.


After tucking a bookmark gently inside his latest read, Leon twisted from his seated position on the couch to rest his arm across the top of the seat cushion. As Nick wrenched open their forest green front door, he called out, "Be safe!"

Nick paused halfway outside the door frame. He tensed and whirled around to face a bewildered Leon, "Don't be nice to me right now, fuck you!"

The blond was confused. Where had this scathing tone come from? Leon decided to use his precious few processing seconds to rifle mentally through everything he’d done in the previous 24 hours. What on earth could have upset Nick this much?

Leon was alarmed to note his lover’s reddening neck and face. He thought it was very cute, usually. When he was the cause of the shade change, Leon found it harder to appreciate fully. Nick’s alarming increase of blood flow to the face whenever he felt strong emotions was the bane of his existence - and an absolute delight for his boyfriend. Leon called Nick his ‘little tomato’ for this very reason. Nick liked to complain periodically about the nickname. However, Leon found it difficult to believe his grumbling was earnest when he considered the soft smile that graced his partner's face during these moments.

This current flush, though? This was a furious flush. And that fury was currently directed entirely at Leon… who still had absolutely no idea why his little tomato was so grouchy.

Uh oh.

Splotches of pale skin began travelling up Nick’s neck. This was an indicator that Leon’s time to process and respond appropriately was almost up. The blond stood up from the couch slowly, his arms outstretched cautiously like he was placating a distressed animal. Leon met Nick's livid amber eyes.

“Babe,” he started gently. “I can see that you're upset. I want to help understand this situation, so we can solve it together.”

Nick scoffed. Tiny droplets of spittle rocketed from his mouth and onto Leon's oversized shirt. He watched his boyfriend's saliva land on the loose material wordlessly (because he was such a fantastic and doting partner, of course).

“That's a bit rich!” The brunette sneered. “Trying to play the hero and solve a problem YOU CAUSED!”

…Well, shit. It looked like Nick was not going to be forthcoming with an explanation, but Leon still had no idea what he should be apologising for!

After a fortifying inhale, Leon tried again, “Babe, I -”

Nick's replying shriek was shrill, “Don't you ‘baby’ me, mister! Not after what you did!”

Fed up with the confusion, Leon pleaded, “Nick, honey, what have I done?”

Amber eyes narrowed impossibly at the blond. He watched as his partner silently outstretched his arm, pointing in the direction of their kitchen.

“The incriminating evidence is in there,” Nick growled. “Go see it for yourself.”

The brunette placed his hand on the copper doorknob. “I'll be at my sister's,” Nick grunted before stepping outside and slamming the front door behind him.

Lost and confused, Leon began the short trek to the kitchen.

It was just as he'd left it after making breakfast for himself earlier in the morning. Dishwasher emptied and re-stacked. Calendar flipped to October. Granite benchtops wiped clean. Orange scent still prevalent in the air… heck, he'd even scrubbed the sink! What on earth had upset Nick? Leon's eyes glided over every surface and appliance in the cosy space, trying to identify the culprit of his boyfriend's foul mood.

His eyes came to a pause as he stared at the empty chocolate milk bottle. He could've sworn that he'd left the bottle upside down to drain after he rinsed it for recycling…

Suddenly, it clicked. Leon laughed disbelievingly as he tapped Nick's contact on his phone. His irritation mounted with every ring the call went unanswered.

Finally, his boyfriend accepted his call. Leon spoke before Nick’s pettiness could drift out of the device, “You little shit!”

Nick huffed a tiny laugh as he broke character momentarily. After muffling himself, he allowed his indignant voice to travel to Leon’s ears, “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Leon.”

Back in the kitchen, the blond leant against the counter and eyed the drying bottle taunting him from the drying rack by the sink. Leon rubbed the space between his eyebrows as the ridiculousness of the situation steadily outweighed his initial panic that this was the final straw.

“Chocolate milk, Nick? Really?” he questioned. “You lost your shit over chocolate milk?”

Nick squawked in outrage. “Not just ‘chocolate milk’, Mr Selfish! You drank the last of it! I got through my entire Friday workday by picturing what was left of it, and how much I’d enjoy savouring it! Lo’ and behold, I wake up Saturday morning ready for my well-earned treat, and you’ve finished the last of it!”

Leon sighed fondly, “Oh, my little, dramatic, tomato… You realise this is an absolutely ridiculous reaction to such a small thing, right?”

There were about 3 seconds of silence before Nick’s voice rang out again, this time shouting, “Alexandra, are you hearing this bullshit?” Ah, yes. Nick had gone to his sister’s. Leon couldn’t clearly hear Alexandra’s reply, but he safely assumed it was as droll as usual.

“Nick,” Leon called, fondness seeping through his exasperated tone. “Honey, you scared me earlier. I couldn’t figure out what I’d done wrong, and you seemed so upset!”

The blond could practically hear the pout on Nick’s face when he apologised, “I’m sorry, babe. You know I love you. I just - I was really looking forward to that chocolate milk…”

A thoughtful pause.

Finally, reluctantly, “...I may have over-exaggerated my outrage earlier,” Nick admitted.

Leon scoffed. He could picture Nick’s answering glare vividly in his mind.

“However,” his partner’s voice continued. “I refuse to come home to a chocolate milk-free house. I’ll be back from Alex’s after lunch. I expect an apology bottle in the fridge when I get back.”

The blond rolled his eyes, biting back a smile.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, your royal highness,” Leon teased. “I shall ensure your royal decree is met.”

“Good!” Nick stated. “I’ll see you later.” Then, almost as an important afterthought, “I love you, Leon.”

“I love you, too.”
© O.M.A

#shortstory #story #Love&love #lgbtq #relationships #humour #WritcoQuote #writco #Happyending #fiction