

Journey towards womanhood EP-3
Lets begin with our third character :Sareena Sareena was very bold and beautiful and today’s kind of a women with independent thoughts and outspoken.. She was a Chief financial officer (CFO) of a very well known MNC. She was the only daughter to her parents so she was overindulged from the beginning. Every weekend she hanged around with her friends to a lounge bar. As usual one weekend she was at lounge where she accidentally happened to met a handsome boy named Alex. In an causal conversation they exchanged the phone numbers. Alex was a software engineer and he too earned wholesome. Alex was also the only child to his parents. The causal talk, took over a love relationship which they realised after a year. They were deeply in love with each other and wanted to spend their life together. Once they were confirmed about their love and want to spend life together, they involved their parents and got married. Ohhh those wonderful, golden initial days of marriage. I guess we all can commit to that memory again. Sareena and Alex were very happy and excited as they were in Mauritius for their honeymoon. They had a gala time for eight days and then back to their lovely sweet studio apartment. Alex’s parents were at their native place and visited them twice or thrice in a year, as Alex’s father was fond of farming and they owned a huge farm and farm house where his parents were settled. His father was not comfortable in cosmopolitan cities. Both had now started with their work schedule and were busy in their assignments. Both worked hard whole day and evenings both tired. Alex was foodie and Sareena not at all a good cook, but she knew the cooking necessary for survival . Men will be men, wet towel on bed, shoes and socks thrown anyhow, laptop at one side and its charger on the floor. Sareena used to get frustrated of cleaning everything after office hours. No maids were ready to come after 8.00 pm nor at 8. 00 am as Sareena’s office timings were 9.00am to 7.30pm and till she reach home considering traffic it would be 8.15 sometimes. Alex had timing 9.ooam to 6.00 pm. He used to come home before Sareena but alas! No use. He never cleaned or did any household chores or never helped her too. He was the only son so he was also to pampered by his parents and never did any household work. Mother’s Train your sons from the beginning in all household chores, your daughter in laws will surely bless you. There are no labels or tags that this is only women’s work and that only men’s. Sareena expected Alex to help her but it would not happen on daily basis. No fault of Alex too, because he had never worked or done household chores. He helped the way he could do, but Sareena expected the work to be done like her in neat and tidy way. There began the sparks and its sound waves were heard by the neighbours too. Sareena felt tired every day handling her work and home and at night slept early, while Alex watched Netflix and late he used to enter bedroom. A marital gap was created between two of physical, mental and emotional. Every day the conflicts began and its intensity started to increase, resulting in Alex not coming home after office and hanging around his friends. Sareena felt deserted and depressed of being alone handling work and home. She remembered her weekends and the lounge, friends and masti and realised she has changed so much but Alex, though married he is same as before with the same routine work, friends, television. Both never shared anything to their parents considering their ages. They both had very different choices right from food to thinking, from modalities to principles they believed, everything was different. It had been two years that they were married and same conflicts and expectations were still on with increased intensity. One Sunday morning Sareena and Alex decided to sort things between them, but small small little things had made a huge heap which bursted out instead of a healthy discussion, there was massive fight and they realised they cant be together and took decision of separating. They thought in an negative manner actually as they were in negative situation and took decision of divorce. Never to take important decisions at the peak of the anger or excitement. After two years of togetherness they separated. There were no huge issues to reach the level of divorce. Sareena stayed with her parents and started the same routine like before. People were again on their judgement seat’s and formed different opinions about her. She wanted fun so she got divorced, she was not conceiving so he left her, may be she has an affair and all sorts of conclusions very taken by this governing body. Poem has to be there as in pain u can write well. Sareena ‘s peom :
Marriage is a beautiful bond, both need to work on it to make it strong. The word “both “ is important and not “I”, never forget you are one flesh bonded in a soul tie, as you realise this the joy in relation surely multiply.
Both are equally responsible, in all arguments and fights, as it cannot happen that one is wrong and the other is always right..
Sareena and Alex I feel have taken decision to hastily as time is needed to understand each other and flourish the relationship and marriage. The story of last character will be uploaded soon so stay tuned....