

A ladder has more than one steps

Everything begins with dust and progresses to the formation of massive particles that resemble planets. What can you say about it in a story?
As high as a skyscraper is, without the first block it could never reach that height and also without the foundation you can't just place that first block. There can't be big and tall without small and short. One ought to start somewhere and also continue consistently which is the most important part because only one block cannot make a whole building. Don't start what you can't finish. This is what Cecilia failed to accomplish.
Cecilia was a student of Champions High School. She was very diligent and consistent-She does all her assignments, and classwork, and she's very active during classes she reads ahead. Seriously I could tell you that she was every teacher's dream. She believes in hard work pays off, a journey starts with a step, you know stuff like that. With her belief and attitude toward school and studying, she graduated with good grades.
Now it's time for college. Cecilia was very happy to start college. Her parents dropped her off, they hugged her real right, they gave her some needful advice and then finally they said their goodbyes.
When she entered the school building because of her uncontrollable enthusiasm and freshman spirit she bumped into a lady " watch it okay, gosh look how you spilt coffee all over my shoes" said the lady "I'm so sorry it's my first day I'm excited I worked so hard for this I know I'm so weird maybe I should just stop talking and clean the coffee I made you spill on your shoes" said Cecilia awkwardly without a stop. She quickly grabbed a handkerchief from the side of her bag I bent over to clean the coffee stain while she was cleaning it the girl said "Hi I'm Ashley" "hi I'm Cecilia" said Cecilia. when she finished cleaning the coffee spill she hurriedly stood up and left probably because she was not the social type and she felt a little bit embraced.
She went to her room and her greatest surprise, she and Ashley were roommates. She didn't want them to be roommates because of what happened earlier and now she feels awkward around Ashley "Don't worry, don't feel so uneased what happened earlier was just a mistake and I understand that" said Ashley and kind of made Cecilia feel much better. Pheeeeew!!! thank God you don't think I'm weird said Cecilia" I do," said Ashley They both laughed.
Ashley was the total opposite of Cecilia- she doesn't care about school, always doesn't contribute during classes never read ahead or even for tests or exams at all. All she does is snap and post on social media. they started organizing their stuff while talking and laughing. After arranging the room to their taste, Cecilia realised that Ashley was not so bad and so did Ashley. that's when their bonding began.
because of their bond, they gradually started rubbing off on each other. Ashley became more serious with her studies and Cecilia loosened up a little bit maybe too much. they have always secretly envied each other's attitude towards school. before Ashley changed, she would say stuff like school doesn't help the only thing that you need right now is to be famous and popular and popularity is the only way to success. This started changing their mindset toward Cecilia. Her grades start to drop she stops Reading hard until she became an average student. She graduated with a third-class lower -This wasn't good enough to fetch her a good job. We could say that she started well but didn't finish well. meanwhile, Ashley graduated in a first-class. We could also say that she didn't start well but she finished well.
You see it's not how you start but how you finish. Consistency is one of the vital keys to success. I mentioned that without a block you can't finish a building and also only one black cannot finish the building you are to keep placing blocks upon blocks to get that particular height you want. Everything has a process but the thing is continuing the process.
Cecilia started placing her blocks early on her Foundation I can say that she went at least halfway to getting to that height but along the line, she stopped. On the other hand, started placing her blocks late didn't stop and that's what made her get there faster. Consistency is like an accelerator- continuing, never stopping and always pushing takes a lot of effort but saves time because starting and stopping halfway is the same thing as not starting at all. To succeed you need two things to start and don't stop
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