

I am Lucky to Have you ( Part 8)
Alice - But why were you waiting for me sir ?

Mr. Raj - Isn't it obvious that I have some work that's why .

Alice - Yes sir, I am sorry 😅( silly me )

Mr.Raj - Now stop smiling and listen 👂 I have to attend a meeting and you are accompanying me , this is the file having all the details of meeting, go through it now , we have to leave after 15 min.

Alice - What 😨how can I revise this thick file in 15 min.

Mr. Raj - It's your problem not mine .so do it fast .

Alice ( how can I revise this much so fast who the hell does he think he is 😠)

alice - Sir , can you take someone else , I am new to all these things and I will mess the meeting it's not good for me to join this meeting .

Mr Raj - Are you underestimating yourself 😒 ,or me 🤨.

Alice- No, I don't......

Mr.Raj - Stop wasting your time instead of talking revise the documents.

Alice (😠😠)
Ohk sir
( After 15 minute's)

Mr. Raj - Ohk , lets go

ALICE ( Follows raj )
( Sits down in the car 🚗)
( car starts)

( In the meeting room )

Mr. Raj - hello everyone , This is our project and this is the........

( After one hour meeting end s)

Client- It was a great presentation Mr. Raj , we are looking forward to work with you , great project.

Mr. Raj - Thank you very much ☺️

Client - Well , we have organised a small party in our club , and you have to come there .

Mr. Raj - Sure , sure

Client - Who was that young lady with you ?

Mr.Raj - she is my employee

Client - Oh , than she is also invited

Mr. Raj - Uhm , ohk sure . I will ask her to come

Mr. Raj - Uddit ( bodyguard) where is Alice ?

Uddit - sir dhe was here only , maybe she has gone rest room ,

Mr.Raj - Look for her now and let me know where is she .

Uddit - Ohk sir
( After half an hour )

Uddit - Sir , I am not able to find her , but I got some footage .

To be continued.......