

"Are you excited?" Mom asked cheerfully as eyed me through the rear view mirror of the car. The excitement was very evident in the tone of her voice. I shrugged as an answer clearly showing that I was not interested.

There wasn't a reason for us to move not until Mom was decided to be moved to the province by her agency. I was against the idea of moving because it meant that I had to leave everything behind. My old school. My friends. Some enemies. And my old home where I spent 18 years of my life in.

"Could you at least pretend that you're happy?" She sighed shaking her head. I looked at her blankly and showed her the fakest smile I could force my lips into for not more than 5 seconds before looking back down on my phone. My phone vibrated showing one notification, a message from our group chat.

Vien: Is it true?

Farrah: What is?

Vien: That Hex is moving!

Jester: You didn't know?

Vien: No one told me!

Julius: How come you only knew now when they already moved?

Vien: They already moved?!

Me: Lmao

I closed my phone after sending that one message. "So did you bid goodbye to your friends?" I looked up at my smiling mother. Why does she care about it?

"It's none of your business." I said making her gasp then sigh deeply right after. It may have sounded rude but I didn't care. She was used to it anyways.

"Hex, how many times do I have to tell you to have a little bit more respect when talking to me? I'm your moth—"

"And I already made it clear that I didn't want you meddling in my life didn't I?" I fight back. This made her shut her mouth the entire ride. I plugged in some earphones and played some music turning the volume up to the highest level while I waited for this whole moving ride to end.


"Hex wake up." I opened my eyes to see my Mom beside me tapping my shoulder lightly. I noticed that we stopped moving. We must be here. She went out of the car and I quickly followed scanning the big house in front of us. This is definitely bigger that our last house and it looked pretty modern too.

It was 2 storey house painted in white and gray. There was a parking space in front and a small space that could be used as a garden or something. The moving truck stopped right behind our car and staff began to take out our furniture.

"Hi, you must be the new neighbors!" A woman, I'm guessing around mid 30's approached us. Mom smiled brightly like always and shook her hand. "I'm Clarisse Montañano." Mom introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Desiree Tajao." The woman also introduced. I eyed her house and it seemed a pretty average sized house, a little bit smalled than ours but it looks more spacious though. It was also a two-story house and from one of the windows, I noticed a girl looking down at us. She smiled and waved at me but I only stared back at her. A girl next door.

"Oof!" I grunted in pain when my Mom's elbow met my rib cage. She gave me the look and motioned me to introduce myself. I looked at Mrs. Tajao and bowed at her a little before making my way inside the house. But before I could completely walk inside, I heard Mom apologize.

"I'm so sorry about my son, Hexel. He has a little bit of uhmm daddy issues." I do not have daddy issues!

~ End~
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