

61 Days (Chapter 4)

Pov: Anarkali Devi

I came to know that, Today the environment is quite suspicious when I entered the Company. The workers seems to be in panic and the reception lady's voice was low yet scary.

I saw HR Raghav Sir who hired me came with a stressed face saying the CEO arrived. Rather excited I was feeling chill vibes. The Headache was already around the Company

he told me to take my file in the opposite room of Main door and that was a disastrous event.

I Looked at a sloth guy, dressed in over size, laid down in the chair, he was Annoyingly Handsome. he looked like a Janitor yet his face doesn't thrust this profession on him.

I was about to get the file without disturbing his sleep, and he spoke nonsense. what the hell he is thinking? A mere guy like him, with a stupid attitude should be guillotined.

How he can use wordly carelessly? how he can term me like that?

As I hurried out in Vengeance, I saw HR Raghav again.
"Miss Anarkali, your file has a copy just get into the room" he said and took a second to excuse a call. I was like 'You should have said that prior, so this commotion of punching with words haven't occurred'

I felt a sense of giving up, what's dream company when there's no respect? Usually I carry out my life with Respect than anything, now it was like a worst encounter. But I got another sense, he's a mere guy, there's nothing I should feel down. If you're in a Work you will face words unless it's sexual you have the rights to kill and bury the bodies.

I entered the Main Room, it was Amazing! Damn it was just like the Movies- A Big Window, A Big Chair (Ofcourse a rolling one), Large Tables, Piled up with Papers, Laptops, Money Plant Creepers, White Curtains, Branded Drinks, Soft Cushion on A Large Seating

Mainly Most importantly! The Bookshelf!! Dude like there are thousands of books, a lot of Self help books, I know a lot of them, I read them and also the copies which was hard to get was here!

This is Cool!

It was Fabulous.

"I guess you liked this All" I heard a voice at background, I thought none was here.

I looked around him and I was feeling embarrassed because I just touched everything and did a dance like Bella of Beauty and Beast in the Library scene.

"Good...Good Morning Sir, Excuse my Behaviour I thought there's none, I was little Excited" I haven't looked above him.

He crossed across me went into the front seat and spoke "Raise your Head Miss?"

I looked at him, Damn! That Coat and Suit is Amazing, I'll buy one like him. And I took a notice of him, he's handsome. why guys here are Handsome?

"So you're enjoying me too?" he smiled.

he's Annoyingly Handsome, just like that Jerk I met in a Garage like Room.

"I'm Anarkali Devi sir, Here to work as a Personal Assistant"

"Hmm...cool, you're the two month substitute?" he asked me and brew me a coffee, we were seated in the large sofa. I liked it, he haven't occupied the front seat facing me, instead sat beside me. I felt it was little close.

"Yes sir, I'll be Working for Two months"

he was enjoying the coffee, he brew I took a sip and honestly he's a Critics in this.

"You like the Coffee right?" he smiled, from the start, I had never got a appropriate reply for my answers or either he asked about it.

"This is Delicious" I had my professional smile.

"I know I'm Best" he felt filled.

'Narcissist' I thought. From the start he's behaviour was like this. I feel this Workspace is Ominous. What they showed and What they are totally different.

"I'm Hemanth Kannan, Secretary of this Critics Overview company, we welcome you Anarkali Devi" he stood up like he greeted an audience.

"Thank you sir" I felt different, I think HR Raghav said I've to Assist CEO and I forgot his Name.

"It's gonna be a tough job honestly" he sighed

"I'll try my best" I gulped.

"Nope Anarkali, you're good but Assisting that guy is tough, You'll be PA for Dhruv, I hope you know it"

"Oh ya sir, HR Raghav sir said me"

"Yep, He's a Bloodsucker, a Vampire, but he's a good guy, my best friend, so the thing is he's over doin', he's not good with girls as every girl who approached him had a bad motive, so that's why he's not into girls things, when Raghav said he's hiring you I objected you, but you seem good, if that's a problem assisting Dhruv, just communicate me and also I hope you're not with bad motives or a black spy" His smile, Worry all vanished at last he glared at me when he said me that line.

"Of Course I'm not with that stupid behaviour, you can background check me, and I'm here just for two months, so there's no big trouble for you sir" I throwed him a cold look.

"That's cool, let's have a refresher time, It's for a Welcome to Sir Dhruv, but he slept and haven't attended the meeting, so it's we guys have some amazing food, let's dive it " he said and invited me to a food stall, damn it's good, I like to get this offer.

"You can take whatever you like to eat Miss Anarkali"

"Thanks Sir" I looked at him, he was approached by some people, I took a plate and spoon
and I get into the buffet refreshments to eat.

"This is delicious, I love it"

"Were you starving all your life huh?" an irritating voice.
looking her, she threw a 'I'm-born-rich-look.

I ingored her and went to the dessert section.
Rule one - Don't speak if that's irritating, ingore it, until actions are seen, punch them in the face.

I had a full stomach that's cool, being in a rich place is that, you'll have the opportunity to taste delicacies!

That's where I take a look to notice peoples, everyone looked in shape, Man guys got muscles and girls got makeup. cool, definitely a rich spot.

There's a commotion in the hall, the girl who asked me 'Were you Starving' got her 5 lakh saree ( that what she's baffling louder) struck in the table fan.

I took a slide in the group, offed the main switch and decoiled, I took a pocket comb I'd. (which was funny) I took some minutes and untangled her saree, shortly I saved hers.

I looked at her, she's in delusion what Emotion she have to pay for me in.

"I wasn't straving there just curiously passionate to try all the foods, and you I'm not someone like you, I'm new to this company and I feel happy for not being you. You can't treat people based on the status but character" I said and took a amazing turn.

Woah that was a punch dialogue!

I looked at her again and leaned close "You look beautiful when you're not having an attitude, just like now" she flinched some step backs, and her girly friends who haven't help her in taking the saree out from her fan, helped her balance the few back, what a comedy scene.

I knew I had an audience watching me, I don't care right now, but I feel this is all for a good.

© Isai