

Brain over the Heart
The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh...
It was time to forget the problems of past, live the moments of today and keep aside the worries of the future. The photos thrown into the flame which burnt the memories of the mind but it couldn't fire up the feelings of the heart.
The heart felt what the brain couldn't think.. This was called "love" at one time but all it remained today were cursings from the past...
The mind won over the heart as the frames full of memories kept burning into ashes of feelings in the flame of heart...
Years passed, she now had the courage to do so but her heart still stopped her at a point but she listened to her mind which has been screaming this shit out since years.
Today she followed her brain and lost everything she had to get everything she wanted...
Along with the picture she burnt , she also burned those relations, those feelings and their memories altogether.
It was like her new beginning -from a lonely, quiet person to a cheerful, selfless, jolly brat.
Everything she wanted to know at the moment was that it's new for her life so she can arrange her life, the people, her emotions in her own way. she was a free bird in the open sky whose wings were not tied by society, family or any other bondings.. she was now having her new existence.
The mind sometimes takes the heart to a right path when the heart takes the brain to the wrong one...
The burning of those memories stuck in the frame were quite necessary for the new 'her' as her life was also stuck at the time the picture was taken.
MORAL:sometimes let your brain decide instead of your heart because heart cannot always be the correct one.
(hope u liked it, tell me in the comments section and share if u like it🖤❤)
© shreya