

We Loved Once chap 3
"I didn't come here to die, I came here to relish in one last moment before my time has come." Harry scribbled the thought into her notepad. She carried one everywhere, specifically for intellectual thoughts.
Rain was still swarmed by paparazzi and seemed to be enjoying Dayton's advances. 'You need to eek out your own life' Rain whispered to herself. She'd only ever dated one girl. Lauran, in 9th grade but that didn't end to well. Neither of them were mature enough for a relationship. Besides in all things Rain plagued her mind. Rain who was as beautiful as the phenomenon she was named after. Who swept into people's lives and nutured them. Who brought rainbows everywhere they graced, who gave the earth it's life... This wasn't healthy, it wasn't right.

What Harry didn't know was that Rain was currently conflicted herself. I mean the fact that the only thing Dayton could speak of the entire night was himself was a turnoff. Also Rain hadn't had her first kiss yet, until just now and it sucked that it had just happened without her permission. She really didn't want to be there. She wanted to be ranting to Harry about how much bullshit an arranged relationship was but she couldn't. Dayton kissed her again and grabbed her butt. That was too far but she had to keep smiling. The film needed the publicity, her brand did. When Dayton was fed up he told the press to fuck off and he escorted Rain to the carpark by his car. Harry didn't see them leave with all the press dispensing. She assumed they went on a ride and that she was not wanted. Back in the carpark, Dayton began kissing Rain intensely. Pushing her against his car, slipping his tongue deep within her throat. This was a lot for her. He moved his hands to her boobs and gropped her.
"Stop." she whispered. This wasn't something she was ready for. But Dayton wrapped one hand around her neck and applied pressure before untying her dress. Rain's heart rate intensified and her anxiety grew further.
"I don't want this." She wimpered
Dayton smirked. "Yes you do."
He opened the door to his car and pushed her in. He slipped down her underwear and touched her inner thigh. Pinching on it before moving to her clitoris.
"mhmm, stop." she lightly moaned.
"See, I knew you'd like it." Dayton said "you're so so beautiful."

Harry got bored waiting and circled the park, munching on a corndog. When she didn't see them, she figured they must have left. Sighing she called an Uber and excited the park to wait on it. That's when she saw the car that brought them there. As it came into focus, she saw her best friend, the person she loved more than anything being touched against her will. She flipped.
"Fuck off." she warned sternly. Harry never cursed.
"Dayton didn't budge."
During the summer of 2017, Harry traveled to Japan and got certified in martial arts. She was also versatile in fencing and boxing so she knew how to fight. Filled with rage, she effortlessly threw Dayton out of the car and knocked him unconscious with a single punch. She was strong. Rain was crying and her body quivering, her dress was loosely on her. Everywhere was exposed. She looked so vulnerable. It was hard for Harry not to take advantage of the moment, it was hard for her not to get wet or caught up in her feelings. She put them all aside in order to help her friend.
"Hey, I'm here now, you're going to be okay." She assured Rain who clung to her shaking. She felt safe with Harry. Safer than she felt with anyone. It was peaceful. She closed her eyes and leaned into Harry, breathing in the minty smell of her cologne. She wanted to stay there forever. Being there made her happy. A feeling she hadn't had in a long time.
#love #unrequited #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqa #lgbtqcommunity #lgbtqpride #pridemonth #pride #gay #lesbian #friendship