


"You are the most beautiful bride i've ever seen.." the word that suits to the women who change my world..

My name is Alexander Frey, and i am a nobody..

I've been bullied since my elementary days. I remember when someone pour water on me, wrote some "you must die" notes on my locker, beating me up at the corner of the building, and took my lunch and my home works every day, and it's sucks .
My life before is nothing until someone came into my life.

When I was in 3rd grade i met Marie Ellise "Ellie" Balfour, a new student in our class. When i first saw her, i was mesmerized at her for being a lady like. Our teacher told her to sit next to me, she sit and smiled at me. I dont know if I am only dreaming that there's an angle sitting beside me. Since she was new in school some girls bullied her.. she kept smilling and keep her mouth shut. That time, i want to be brave for her, like her knight in shining armor so i confront those bullies just to save her... i save all guts that i have.. i want to pee in my pants that time, but when i saw her looking at me... i told my self that i need to protect her. When those bullies tried to attack me i closed my eyes, i feel an air from my back.. as i open my eyes.. i saw Ellie punching all those bullies.. i was shock when i saw her like that.. from being an angle to a little devil.. but still beautiful and stunning in my eyes...after she bitten 6 kids she come closer to me..she hold my collar, her face near mine.. "from now on i will be your knight in shining armor.... " she said.."listen everybody..  if you bully me again i will kick your ass.. and if you bully this kid.. i will all put you in grave.. i am the only one who can bully him.."

From that day they stop bullying me, but Ellie did'nt.. she always visits me i my house everyday, so do i. We're alway been together in our elementary days.. until we went in high school. That time, Ellie become more beautiful, most of the boys want to court her but Ellie refuse, she become famous in school when she become an athlete(swimming team) and me? I'm still nobody. Just a guy who always be Ellie's sidekick slash assistant slash best friend slash fake boyfriend when she refuse to date a guy slash homework worker slash cook and many more. But there is one thing that Ellie doesn't know.....

That I am a guy who loves her since the day that our eyes met. I've been in love with her for the very long time... and for that very long time..
i am afraid to tell her...
I am afraid on loosing her....
My mind keeps telling me "why dont you try.. atleast she knows.." but my heart tells me.."i dont want to lose her..." that's why this nobody will be forever nobody who loves a girl that every man wants....