

It was a rainy night, Sam was already late and didn't want to miss his last train, so with swift steps and thumpy breaths he finally reached the station. The station was almost empty, it was small and of ancient style, very few trains arrived at this station, therefore, the crowd was always deserted here.
The old-style wooden clock on the entrance wall showed the time of arrival of the train. (Ticket counter was closed and so was inquire department too but Sam was carrying a return ticket with him so he decided to wait)
Eager to confirm on his train, he entered inside the platform and saw just a handful of people,
an old man sitting on a deck reading newspaper, 5 to 6 people sleeping on the platform. Two men indulge in speaking and one among them was having a very huge belly as if he was pregnant. (Sam laughed and moved further)
Suddenly his attention went to a beautiful lady who was standing on the same platform where Sam's train was going to arrive. This beautiful lady was wearing a pure white dress as if she was running late to get married, she was so attractive.
Sam folding his umbrella, rests himself sitting next to the old man who was reading a newspaper.
'Hello gentlemen did I missed the last train?', Sam asked the old man.
The old man didn't respond, it was like he was much centralized on reading his newspaper. (He was sitting like a statue, quiet and frozen).
Meanwhile, Sam heard footsteps approaching towards the desk where Sam was sitting.
As the footsteps approached nearer, sam inhaled in a very pleasant floral and musky fragrance, he looked aside, to his surprise, the same beautiful lady was sitting next to him.
Sam was stunned by her attractiveness, her charisma, her smiling face, her personality It was like a fairy visited wearing a pure white dress. (At this ancient-style station no beautiful lady like her Sam has ever seen before)
'Where are you going?', A beautiful lady asked sam.
(Finally, someone said a word in this empty station, Sam felt)
'I am going to my home, Sam replied. Eyeing at her glamour, he asked her, 'Did I missed the last train?'
'No you haven't, and to your surprise, the train might not arrive until we both become friends', the lady giggled exhibiting as if she was making fun out of him.
'What? Sam replied shockingly.
(By the way what good thing can happen in a man's life when a friendship is offered by such a beautiful lady to whom he is attracted to).
A beautiful lady smiled with charm and assured Sam saying,' Relax I am kidding, by the way, my name is Monica, what's your name?'.
'My name is Sam', he replied and added 'it is too late here, also the station is almost empty, don't you fear to be out this late?
With a fierce voice, Monica replied,' I am a lady from Fem-Land and lady of this land don't fear.'
The answer was strange for Sam but he was so immersed in her talks that he didn't felt necessary to counter her.
Gossips went on further and time passed by quickly.
Sam looking at the clock and in wonder said to Monica, ' we almost talked for an hour, yet the train isn't here. (...something was coming to be momentous for Sam)
'I already told you that train will not arrive until we both become friends', Monica said again.
Sam was already into her talks and her beauty, so he immediately without any further delay accepted her friendship proposal and ensured her, 'yes we are friends now.'
As soon as he accepted her proposal, a bright light filled up the entire platform, it was due to the train, all-white both interior and exterior, shining like gold and covered with lots of flowers and with a golden tag indicating train from 'Earth to Fem-Land'.
A magical train we can say.
For Sam, it was like never seen before moment. He went in a total state of surprise by discovering the gloriousness of the magical train.
Monica grabbed his hand saying, 'Sam our train has arrived, come let's go'.
As soon as they entered near the train, the door opened and an old lady came out by holding a placard displaying 'WE WELCOME YOU NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE ON JOURNEY TO THE FEM-LAND'.
'what married couple? who married to whom?', Sam now in a state of panic asked the old lady.
To his wonder, the old man who was sitting like a statue just next to him rolled his newspaper and suddenly started to run towards him as like he had taken any secret dose of glucose, the old man came closer and confided, 'Dear Sam for Fem-Landers, accepting friendship request by men is like consenting for an official marriage '. Females from Fem-Land come to the earth to choose men of their choice. Monica chose you and now she will take you to her house.
'What are you saying and who the hell are you old man?' Sam spoke out in anger and chaos.
I am the father of Monica, I have given her birth and carried her for 9 months with care & protection, soon you too will give birth to our granddaughter and this old lady who is holding a welcome placard is my wife.
(On Fem-land it's a male who gets pregnant).
Sam was now totally confused and in anger yelled 'What nonsense this is? Have you all gone mad, how can a man become pregnant?'
Shortly in distress, sam tumbled down unconscious on the floor.
(to be continued)

P.S- Chapter two will soon be out.
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© Sandeep Bhagwat