

Snow Paper
The car won't start what
the snow got my car frozen
so I try to start it but what can I do
I need to make ends for gas an water.
So I got a shelve. And a bunch of blocks
so why don't you all let me knock that out for you. Ok a couple of bucks here and there adds up to. A really nice day
with hotel money and soaking my feet
to the radio as I think. Oh man this day
could have ended up a lot different from
what it started out being. And the funny thing about that is the snow still falling
and I am in another area. And my shelve
still wanting more. So the work never
ends as I dip and clear the walk way to
my pockets being fatter and fatter.
As I slide into over drive in the middle
of the night clearing it all away. And clearing cars too. Oh this turned out to
be my lucky day. And the weather on the news says that we getting 8 more inches
of snow and my shelve me and my car
and now a deluxe suite with no one
at this hotel. I think I will take a shower
now. But I thought I heard something
now it. was the very cold an all ever old
windy sounds of the dead by that grave yard. Yes snow on top of y'all too.
© lashes sullivan