

Why do we often look for someone to blame when there is a problem? Tell us in story writing what you think about it.

Accountability is something we seem to run away from nowadays. I don't know why but, it seems that my generation, generation X that is, hates to be accountable. Everyone is looking for an excuse or way out that's simple. No one wants to admit fault or be wrong anymore! For example, my husband will do it say something really shady towards me to or around someone we both know, and get mad when they tell me what he did or said. So when I confront him, he'll get mad and blame the person who told me what he said for us fighting. WTF?? How can you blame someone else for your mistake? He acts like they forced him to do or say the things that he's done or said. It's actually pretty sad that a grown man will actually try to justify his actions by blaming someone else. It really grinds my gears when he does that, and hates when I call him out in his ish!! He will literally tell people that it's their fault that we faught or argued with a straight face. I truly hope when he comes home he doesn't do it anymore.
Lord knows our relationship can't take anymore strain!!!
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