

into the kings land.
The last bullet left the muzzle of his rifle with a deafening bang. It took with him all his hopes of survival.
He reached for the sharp knife held at his boot strap. He wasn't going out without a fight!
afterall it was a king in front that too one belonging to the jungles,
he as reached the knife herd the loudest of the roar from the superior one, as if he was not in a mood to have a fight.
well ,'but who knows a beast, at its best '.
"attack shangarsh " my friend roared so as to cheer me up, but with same intensity or more the lion overtook with his roar, and made his foot towards me, I was directly looking at him,
I felt a pain in his eyes as he was moving and suddenly the king fell aside as if he was hurt badly, with pain spreading all over his body....
© silodiya