

today's story
Today on my way home from the exam, the train ride felt unbearably long and dull...an hour and a half of sheer boredom. Just when I thought the time would never pass, the universe sent a little companion on my way. He was around 4 or 5 years old, calm by nature, with full of curiosity. At first, he stood by the window, eagerly watching the outer world go by. His mom tried to convinced him to sit with her, but he was too engrossed in his exploration.
Noticing his excitement, I offered him my favorite window seat. That’s when we started talking. With every station we passed, he’d ask me the name of it. In between, he asked his mom for a chocolate but poor kid was unable to convinced her. As time went on, we had conversation for nearly an hour. And then he grew tired and fell asleep on my shoulder. Children have such a pure, innocent heart—it was a beautiful reminder of life's simple joys. ❤️😇