

The Secluded Evil
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her... or if he killed her.
"No no, this can't be happening", cried Vagnar Larson as he quickly tossed the knife to the floor, ran to the bathroom, and washed off the blood on his hands.
" Remember stupid! what went down last night?" yelled Vagnar as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. His hands and lips trembled, he'd been in lots of shit before, but this was on a whole different level...
He had no idea what he was going to do next.
"I'm the mayor for fuck sake, this will ruin me, who am I gonna call?" murmured Vagnar
He then picked up the phone and called the only person that would believe him, the only person that would have his back a hundred percent, his haven, his remedy, his best friend and partner... his fiancée
"Honey, please... before you say anything. please believe that I didn't do it", said Vagnar with his shaky, teary voice.
" Babe, what's going on?" asked the concerned Lucy.
"You remember the hotel reservation you helped me get? I can't speak over the phone... come there. quickly", begged Vagner
Lucy is a wonderfully fierce woman that took life by the horns and willed it into what she wanted. There was almost nothing she couldn't do but little did she know that her husband to be was gonna test her beyond her limits.
While Vagnar was pacing the bathroom because he couldn't stand the presence of the dead body, there was a knock on the door.
Excited that Lucy got to him right on time, he rushed to open the door before the person could knock again
" Room serv--"
Vagnar opened the door as he started as the hotel attendant outside his door.
The man's gaze fell on the bloody scene on the bed and the bloody clothes Vagnar had on.
"W-wait, it's not what you think", said Vagnar to the frightened man as he backed away from the door.
Without thinking, Vagnar dragged him in and slammed the door shut.
" Please sir, I didn't see anything", The man begged "Please"
Vagnar rushed to him on the floor, as he pinned him down and stuffed his mouth with the woman's lacey underwear on the floor.
"I swear, I didn't kill her", said Vagnar and he strangled the hotel attendant.
The hotel attendant struggled to fight Vagnar off when the enraged Vagnar reacted by bashing the man's head on the floor. over and over and over again until he felt his skull crack open like an egg.
" I- I killed him, I killed him", lamented Vagnar as he rolled over and curled up in a corner crying.
Moments later, there was another knock on the door,
"Honey, open up it's me", said Lucy
" Of course, that's what she would have said if she was the one at the door. I'm fucking stupid", cursed Vagnar as he opened the door.
Lucy was dumbfounded when she walked into the scene of the bloody mess.
She had to tiptoe around the blood and body of the hotel attendant.
Her gaze was fixated on the lifeless woman on the bed, her knees buckled as she stumbled on the chair beside her.
"Babe, listen... it's not what you think", Vagnar stuttered
" Who the fuck are you and what have you done to my sweet and innocent Vagnar", cried Lucy
"It's me, my love... I'm still here. We were at the fundraising event last night. I had a couple to drink and I blacked out, I woke up to a bloody bread knife in my hand and a dead body staring at me. I swear it... I didn't do it", lamented Vagnar
"No, you killed her, you're the Mayor... she threatened to expose you after you fucked her and she tried extorting you, you snapped and killed her. You just don't remember doing it. You cheating bastard", yelled Lucy
" No don't go there... you know I'd never cheat on you",
"I'm not even gonna argue with you on that. What about him?", asked Lucy as she pointed at the hotel attendant
" Well, you can say, wrong place at the wrong time", said Vagner
"He knocked, you opened thinking I was the one and he died for it?" asked Lucy
"Oh come on now, I had no choice in the matter",
" Fuck you Vagnar, we have the willpower to choose not to be murderers", yelled Lucy
"Lucy, honey... I called you to help me out and not to Judge me. Please stop and help me", begged Vagnar
" Help you mysteriously wish both dead bodies away? Help you clean the inevitable stench of death? you're in the thick of it and you're fucking deluded bro", said Lucy as she removed her engagement ring and tossed it on the bed next to the dead woman.
"What? What are you doing?", asked Vagnar
" For better or for worse... what we had was good, this is beyond worse. I love you but I'm not about to let you drag me into this hell", said Lucy as tears poured out her eyes
"Come on Lucy, don't do this... it's me and you forever. Remember?" said Vagnar
"We had our forever, now you're a cheat and you kill... there's a line that you can't cross back from. Just take a look at yourself, that's blood smeared all over your body... you're a murderer and I can't pretend that this is normal. I'm leaving this place and I'm leaving your life", cried Lucy as she stood up to leave.
" Baby please, please don't go", begged Vagnar as he knelt by her feet and held on to her.
"Let me go... please", cried Lucy
But Vagnar's grip tightened...
" Vagnar, stop... you're hurting me", begged Lucy
"If I can't have you..." said Vagnar as he pushed her hard into the bathroom... she slipped and bashed her head on the toilet seat. In her confusion and pain, she tried crawling away from Vagnar. He picked up the ceramic cover of the toilet tank, walked towards Lucy until he was on top of her
"... No one else can", yelled Vagnar as he smashed Lucy's head.
Vagnar had successfully killed 3 people, what a diabolical turn of events...

We never know the evil humans are capable of doing.
In a heartbeat, a decision that makes someone switch from Good to Evil can be made... there is no in-between.
I hope for grace to discern the difference for you all... Be safe out there.

© Olatunde Gbenuola