

She tiptoed and raised both arms to get the books on the top shelf. Lo and behold, all that acrobatics shifted her pallu to the right, slid her underskirt and saree down and the forbidden hole which she protected from all foreign eyes was revealed. The flesh curved into a deep wide vortex that was her navel. It was darker than the blackest black in the center. He imagined it was so deep, if he put his finger in he would be sucked by some black hole into a dimension of erotic pain and pleasure. The saree had dropped so low, he could see a dark line go from her navel to her love nest. The whole belly was smooth and flawless. No stretch marks. Even her subtle love handles were beautiful. There were tiny beads of sweat on the lining of her fleshy abs...

#navel #saree #lust #desire #erotica #romance #imagination