

A rose
A rose is so unique and so beautiful ..It is admired by many who appreciate its beauty and its profound sweetness..It is also created by God..and God creates everything to perfection..

Jesus is like a rose...His beauty is also so profound and so unique...God created Jesus ..to perfection and with extreme wisdom..God sent Jesus into the world to save mankind ...

Jesus is likened to a rose because like a rose, trampled on the ground..during His crucifixion..He lived to die..He was nailed to the cross...suffered from excruciating pain and He was violently assaulted..crushed like a fragile rose..He suffered humiliation and he was mocked..spat upon.. just for me and for you.

Just so the sins of mankind can be redeemed and forgiven...Jesus crucifixion is like my moment with God..I ask myself..why does Jesus love the world so much ...to die for His fellow friends..but the reasons clear..Its simply because of Jesus's...immense love for mankind and Jesus will always be the hero of this world ..and the Only true light of this world.

Jesus died but he rose again..on the third day...that trampled rose..miraculously survived..and became that beautiful rose..arose again...Jesus became back to that beautiful rose God created Jesus to be...and now our Lord Jesus...is now seated on the right hand side of God Hinself...

This is a profound miracle! So never doubt the existence of God. My advice to everyone reading my writings right now...is that Jesus loves you so much enough to die for you...He could have escaped from the hour of crucifixion and from the darkest hour and from the deepest despair.. because He is God..but He chose not to..He sacrificed His own self..like a lamb slaughter at the alter..Jesus was. So may you realize the immense power and love of God today..and always...

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