

Arts and Nature
Arts are emotional words spoken through artifacts, pictures, quotes and lines. They are brought to existence to some frivolous minds who, before time saw arts as being unlogical because they failed to embrace the beautiful stories untold behind each artifact, picture, quote and line.
Thanks to the museums, where all these pieces are displayed and have the world know more of their history. 

Till date, most of these objects are used to tell stories. Stories of slavery, stories of people suffering from an illness and being neglected by the world where they lack love and attention. Stories of commercial violence, domestic violence and the rest, stories of not so happy ending in the case of Romeo and Juliet, and some happy endings. Lot of stories are told. 

Thanks to the novelists who instead of leaving these pieces as pictures, wrote them down in books for easy access, for anyone to understand what the world, one way or the other is going through, and the ones that hasn't come to limelight yet .

On the other hand, through art, people learned to love nature. The fresh air that we breathe, the trees and flowers, the water flowing from the oceans and the animals and birds. These people have gone to the extent of taking photos of nature, and having them displayed either in the museum for admiration or appreciation. Some just have them placed in their homes, offices, schools or wherever they may be, while some have them drawn with their bare hands to show off unhidden skills.

We can indirectly or directly say, Art is nature itself or nature is art itself, because they don't always have to be in the direction of a rational mind. It thinks out of the box, for instance, a quote in a picture depicting the green lives matter, an art picture advocating the fight for justice hashtag all lives matter, and so on.


© Nma Elinwa