

Chapter Twenty-One

Lana's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing lots of noises. Like people where moving around. I got out of my room as I got out the noise stopped.

There where lots of people staring at me. Why are they staring at me?

"Uh....hello?"I said.
"You're a human?"One said.
"So you are all Vampires then?"I asked.

Nathan ran into the room standing in front of me.

"She's my girlfriend and she's not on the menu."He said.

When he said that all of them started doing whatever it was they where doing at full speed.

Nathan and I went back into my room.

"I'm sorry if they woke you up."He said.
"Why are the running up and down?"I asked rubbing my eyes.
"Well they are leaving."He said.
"Why?"I asked.
"Well we don't age and we go to school so they are moving to another country and start a new life."He said.
"Just how many house dose your family own?"I asked.
"A lot."He said.
"Wait. Are you moving with them!? I don't want you to go."I sad hugging him.
"No, I'm not leaving you. I'm staying right here."He said.
"Really?"I asked looking up at him.
"Why would I leave you?"He asked me.
"Because your family is moving."I said.
"We do this every year. We need to look normal. And I've learnt A lot of different languages taste a lot of different blood went to lots if different schools and stuff."He said.
"So they are never coming back then?"I asked.
"No they will."He said.
"When?"I asked.
"Maybe I'm a hundred years."He said.
"Oh! they are waiting for everyone that they knew to die and forget."I said.
"Yeah."He said.
"I'm just glad your're staying here with me."I said.
"Alright time for bed."He said.
"How can I sleep if they are making so much noise?"I asked.

He lift me up.

"Where are you gonna take me now?"I asked.

He took me to his room. I didn't hear anything.

"My room is soundproof."He said.
"Really?"I asked.
"That's great."I said"But why is it black?"I asked.
"I like the colour."He said.
"Seems dark."I said.
"Aren't I?"He asked.

I went and sat on his bed.

"If you love sleeping in a coffin, Why is there a bed in here?"I asked.
"I can sleep in a bed too. Also if I have normal human friends and I decided to let them see my room I hide my coffin and all they'd see is my bed."He said.
"What's it like sleeping in a coffin?"I asked.
"What was it like to you?"He asked me.
"Dark and scary, but it was fine since I was with you."I said.
"Well I like dark and scary."I said.
"Why wouldn't you?"I asked and yarned.

He walked over to me and tucked me in.

"Go to sleep your tired."He said.
"Okay"I said closing my eyes.
"You look buetiful when you are sleeping."He said.
"I'm not sleeping."I said with a smile.
"I've seen you sleep."He said.
"Okay....."I said slowly drifting off.
"Do you like hearing my voice?"He asked.
"Maybe...."I said.
"Goodnight."He said. He kissed me on my forehead.
"Goodnight."I told him.

The Next Morning.

I woke up and saw Nathan sitting beside me.

"Did you sleep or did you stay up and watch me sleep?"I asked sitting up.
"Maybe I did maybe I didn't."He said.
"Well you don't seem sleepy so there's no way you stayed up."
"I can stay up for a whole entire year and look the exactly the same."He said.

My draws dropped.I examined his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"He asked.
"I'm examining you."I said.
"Do you want to examine my whole body?"He asked.

I looked away.

"No."I said.

He laughed.

"Go and Get ready."He said he got up and walked out of his room.

I got up out of bed. Didn't his family move away last night?I quickly freshen up and went down into the hall. There were less pictures on the wall. I went to the Muesium. It was empty except for the book. Did they leave it behind by accident?

I went back to the hall and saw Sophie.I guess she didn't leave.

"Hi Sophie."I said.
"Oh hello Lana. I know you must of thought that I left but nah I decided to stay a while with uncle Nathan.But I will be leaving soon."She said.
"That's great!"I said.
"The only people here are You, Nathan, Mark, Sebastian and I."
"Mark didn't leave?"I asked.
"Candy is his girlfriend. He wants to be with her."She said.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"I asked.
"Of-course Not!"I heard Nathan say as he came into the room.
"Why?"I asked
"W-W-WHAT! She's nine years old!"He said.
"I got my first boyfriend when I was 13 but I got a over protective one at the age of 17"I looked at him.
"When you where thirteen not nine and if she ever got a boyfriend, before they could even date he'll be torn apart never seeing daylight again."He said.

I looked at Sophie she had a smile on her face I looked back at Nathan.

"She looks so calm, she wouldn't hurt a fly."I said.
"She's had three tutors who were humans she killed them all drinking there blood and she was five years old!"He said.
"But you said her mother thought her how to control it."I said.
"When she died it shaked her up a bit. She is in control but sometimes she's not. That's why I keep her away from you."He said.

I looked at Sophie again. She was still smiling I looked back at Nathan.

"She would never do anything to hurt me."I said.
"Yeah, That's what you think."He said.
"I have and idea let us all go out. I bet that Sophie would actually enjoy it."I said.
"She is not allowed to leave the house."He said.
"Please?"I asked.
"Fine."He said.
"Wait, really?"Sophie said in excitement.
"Yeah, so I can prove a point to my girlfriend."He said.

We all went outside inside the car and Sebastian started driving I asked him to take us to the park we all got out there where kids playing on the rides.

"See? This is not so bad afteral."I said.
"Can I play with them?"Sophie asked.
"Yeah."I said.
"No"Nathan said.
"Why not?"I asked him.
"Ok Sophie go on ahead and drink there blood I mean play with them."He said.

Sophie ran off she didn't use her speed.

"Ha! She didn't use her speed."I said.
"Whatever."He said.

We both went and sat down at a bench and watched her.

"Aww look she's playing on the slide."I said.
"Maybe she's waiting for a kid to slide down and then she'll eat him."He said.
"I thought vampires only drank blood."I said.
"Whatever."He said.

Is he in a 'whatever' mood? maybe he's just annoyed.

"Aww now she has made a friend."I said.

Sophie was walking with a girl her age over to the swingset they were talking. She even let her friend swing and she pushed her.

"She's gonna push the child off the swings, the child's gonna scrape her arm Sophie' s gonna smell her blood and then drink her."Nathan said.
"She's pushing her gently like a normal person."I said.
"Whatever."He said.
"Ok that is the third time today, What's with you?"I asked.
"With?"he asked.
"Why are you annoyed?"I asked.
"Because this is boring. Ok fine we are going to the movies and we are gonna watch a scary movie then."I said.
"Nothing scares me."He said.

I went and got Sophie we went back in the car and went to the cinema. And I decided that we watched 'It'.

I hardly watched the movie at all most of the time I saw penywise I I didn't look Even Sophie was scared for a little while Nathan watched the movie as if he was watching a fairy-tale. He laugh when penywise bit off the boys hand. He was literally the only person who laughed.

After the movie.

"That movie was boring but it was kind of fun."He said.
"Says the guy who thought a scary movie is funny."I said.
"It wasn't scary.Wait where you scared?"He asked.
"Did you not feel the grip I had on your arm?"I asked.
"No"he said.
"Can we watch another one?"He asked.

I gave him a weird look.

"Please."he said.
"No."I said.
"Why not?"he asked.
"Ok, fine."

This is the last time I take this boy to watch a movie.


"So now what?"Nathan asked.
"I think I've proven my point by now. She is in full control."I said.
"Yeah, whatever."He said.

A woman walked over to us.

"Hello."She said.
"Hi."I said.
"Is this buetiful little one your daughter?"She asked us looking at Sophie.
"Yes!"Sophie said.

She took both Nathan's hand and mine.

"Right, mother and father."She said looking up at us.
"Whatever."Nathan said.
"But how do you look so young? And why are her eyes red?"She asked.
"Maybe you should just mind your own business."Nathan said.
"I'm sorry."The woman said and walked away.
"You scared her."I said.
"Sorry not sorry."He said.

We went back to where we left Sebastian and he took us home.

"Wait if you are vampires why do you need a transportation?"I asked.
"Same reason why I need a bed in my room."He said.
"To blend in."I said.
"Exactly."He said.

After they arrived.

"That was so much fun.Can we do it again tomorrow?"Sophie asked.
"No"Nathan said.
"Why not?"I asked him.
"She shouldn't be out much, Why didn't your friend run away from you at the park?"He asked sophie.
"Why would she run away?"She asked.
"Your eyes."He said.
"She said she liked them."Sophie said.
"Nathan her friend is a child, so why wouldn't she."I said.
"Yeah, sure.Wathever"He said.
"If you need me I'll be in my room."Sophie said and walked off.
"What's your problem?"I asked Nathan.
"I don't have a problem."He said.
"Ok."I said.

A girl ran inside the room it was Nathan's sister.

"Didn't you leave with the others?"He asked.
"No."She said.
"Why are you here?"He asked.
"Someone tried to trap me in Camilla"She said.
"A flower?"I asked her.
"A flower to humans a Cage to vampires."She said.
"I don't get it."I said.
"Its flower that when used correctly you can trap a Vampire."Nathan said.
"How?" I asked.
"I don't know."He said.
"Its only used by humans"Mandy said.
"Oh!"I said.
"Do you know who did it?"Nathan asked.
"No. But I think history is repeating itself "She said
"How so?"Nathan asked.
"Aby's death, and now someone's trying to kill me."She said.
"Alex."I said softly.
"What? who's that?"She asked.
"They guy who's trying to kill you."I said.

