

Prodigy/Chapter 4/Secrets Of Maatiaas
Maatiaas sang the lullaby to Minnio this morning.
Minnio said he didn't know it, but somehow he caught up really close to the beginning and could sing along.
I asked him how and he replied, "I'm someone called a prodigy. That means I'm really sophisticated with music. It just flows for me, and I can sing along with basically any song's chorus after hearing it once."
"Prodigy," I thought out loud, "prodigy."
Right now, I'm cuddling Riikiia.
All of a sudden, Maatiaas walks into the nursery. He looks like he's about to blow up.
He screams, "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE... sister."
I knew it. He's my brother! That's how he knew my name from the start! Our parents must've told him about me.
"What else do you know?" I ask him.
Maatiaas grins and says, "I know why we went to Pat's Orphanage."