

Restarting Life
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.
Confused and scared, I stood up, looked around and saw dead bodies everywhere. Where am I? What am I doing here? Questions kept popping in my head, but I didn't dare to ask anyone. Looking over to my right, I saw 2 guys having a conversation. They didn't have any injuries, and they were holding rifles. As I was observing them, one of them noticed me and they both walked over to me.
"Glad you're still alive, Robert." They said, "Thanks to you, we won the battle."
"Thanks to me?" I asked, trying to sound casual.
"Yeah." One of them said, "I mean, you were the one who set off the bombs on the enemies."
"I did...that?" I asked, pointing to the dead bodies, forgetting to act like I belong there.
"Ummm... yes. What's gotten into you, Robert?" The man on the right asked.
"No, it's nothing. Just feeling a little.... dizzy." I replied.
Suddenly, it felt like something smacked me right in the head, and I remembered what happened!
Just a few hours ago, I had killed all these people by setting of bombs. We were in a heated battle against some gangs, and the people that lived around here came to stop the fight, at the same time, I set off the bombs, killing more people then I meant to.
Terrified by what I just did to these people, I started backing away from them and the two men.
"Are you ok, Robert?" The second man asks.
"You know what, I'm leaving." I said, "Please do not follow me, or call me, or ask around for me. It was nice knowing you two, bye."
As I said this, I ran off, leaving behind all the dead bodies, the weapons, and the 2 confused men. I ran out of the wired fences, past the security booths, and through the forest.
I needed to start over, get a new identity, and start a new life.
Finally running into a small village nearby, I stopped and went to the police station.
I'm ready for a fresh start, I thought as I walked in.
Sadly, the police recognized me as 'the person who kills innocent people', so I was taken to jail, never to come out again.