

The last days
Hello everyone who will see this and read it. may God give you wisdom as you go through tough times in your house, family and friends.
As we all know that weird things have been happening people are dying anywhow . first COVID, earthquake etc . It is the end of the world 🌍. The Bible tells us we will see these signs that the son of man is about to come, again it saying at any time any hour like a thief about to Robb .
My brothers and sisters who have you spread the gospel to people about repentance. Today lots lots of people follow celebrities but they is a saying don't follow me I'm lost too follow Jesus Christ for he will save and help from every situation. read Matthew 24vs7 . Matthew 7vs7 ask God to help from every situation that makes you separate yourself from him . Go to YouTube search about the word of God .Be careful about the world lyrics or songs you and I listen to. may God bless and use you.
Amen 🙏
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