



I still remember everything vividly as if it was talk of yesterday. Everytime I think about it, it leaves me with a question, "Was it a dream?". It took place when I was in class 10th; on a random day. That tragedy happened with me in the summers of 2022. When I think this way its going to be 10yrs but some memories are not bounded with time or wrapped in the sleeves of clock. It was scorching hot outside and the only way to salvation was ice-cream. I was standing and joyfully leading to salvation and It was then, a boy to whom I've been admiring all these years was passing through his bike but he stopped after a second he looked at me, it felt like it was the first time he acknowledged me. I asked if there was something wrong, he nodded and told me that he urgently needed a vehicle, fortunately I came with my scooty. I handed him the keys at once without a second thought. He wasn't surprised at all, it was like he was expecting this! He silently and gently took the keys and headed straight. After a while as soon as I finished my ice-cream I saw him coming back. "Are you done?" I asked him wipping my face. "No, its not that, I actually came to-to....take you with me. No, I mean, Let me drop you " He said in a low pitched voice and his eyes were looking at ground, maybe he just didn't knew what he should do next. " Thanks, but I think you have some consequential work to do, I'll take a taxi" I said, it is the first time I've talked to him, I am glad at least I did spoke to him. "Taxi is not safe for you" he said but this time his eyes were looking into my eyes. I totally spaced-out. We both stood there for a while in silence then I silently sat on the scooty, actually I was too happy to act. He started getting calls, he looked back as if he was asking wheather I'd be bothered by his calls. I gestured him to take calls. It sounded to me like he was urgently needed somewhere and got late cause he drove half way back to pick me up. I insisted him to go where he was needed first. he said its a long route to take. well that's exactly why I want you to go there first! Thankfully,I convinced him. We talked about almost everything, like seriously everything. When we reached there, he asked me to wait outside. He came back almost in no time, immediately he apologized for leaving me. I giggled and said "Don't worry I couldn't get a moment of peace, you came back almost in no time". He gave me a locket to hold, he said he would take it back after sometime. it's very strange, it was the first time he and I had a conversation but somehow he knew, all the directions to my house, I didn't aske him 'How?' and now I kinda regret it. We reached home and there were decorations all around because of my uncle's wedding. He gave back the keys and was heading off. Without wasting a second I invited him to the wedding and he was easy to convince. I took him to my parents to introduce him. My parents loved him and I was astonished by seeing how skillful he was when it came to elders. It was a warm day, we started pacing together towards the drink stall. And then he held my hand without saying a word, I looked into his eyes, his eyes were shining cause of tears and he left without a word, I chased him but he was no where to be found. I sat on the bench grasping and....then I saw him, he was very far from my reach but he was looking at me. At that very moment our eyes were lingering into others and somehow I knew that it was our last meet. We both quietly stared until it left us in tears. Next day he was missing at school. I asked if anybody knew why was he absent and they gave me that "What the hell are you talking about" look, soon enough I got to know that he was transferred to another school, out of station and he haven't came back since then. I thought may be he got back yesterday but when I reached home and I started talking to my parents about how tragic this sounds. My mother and father had no idea what I was talking about, they said I came home yesterday by my own and they met no one. It didn't make any sense cause I still had that locket for which he was so desperate! For which he travelled 2miles .

Now, when I think about it, he probably gave that locket deliberately to me so that I could tell myself it wasn't a dream. Is 9yrs not enough time for him, how long is he gonna take to come? or its just me delusioning things? What if that really was a dream and someone else gave me this locket ? Do you have any idea about what it was ?Cause it was too real like a true incident but too tragic to be a true incident!. The air gets thick when I think about it, doesn't matter how much I try, I can't forget that look on his face when he grabbed my hand. I still feel the same pain in my chest , I felt back then when we were at a distance, when I couldn't reach to him. I wish I'd meet him again someday; randomly..

-Arpita Singh