

Who is her best friend?
Once a teacher asked students to write a paragraph telling about their friends. Then she asked them to tell their friend's name to her one by one. There was a girl ,sitting alone. When her chance came ,she replied," I will tell you this in my paragraph , ma'am. Next day , when all submitted their homework to the teacher ,the first page she read was that girl's written paragraph . The paragraph was started like this :
He is my best friend . I always share my joys and sorrows with him and he also shared his pains to me from Genesis-3:23.Whenever I said to him that I'm not able ,he smiled and said from John-15:16. One day ,when I was crying and afraid from my enimies,he speaker to me through John-14:27.Next day ,when I saw him with blooded hands ,I asked him that why he did it ? He replied from John-15:13,18.He told me all that he wants ,from John-15 for he is my friend and I am his and he says,"If the world hates you ,you know that it hated me before it hated you."From that day I know that he is in his father ,and he is in me . He is greatest friend of mine's. For he is my friend, named , 'JESUS CHRIST'

Teacher's eyes filled with tears as she completed the paragraph as she was not lazy to read the Bible verses