


© FipsNation
Chapter 1
Jim is an average black Christian from a poor family, raised in the right virtus but things start changing when he starts meeting the world.
When Jim went to class he found all the boys in his class gathered in one corner looking at something. He then put his book  in his bag,took of his tie and applied some role on under his arms.

"Hey guys!...what are you looking at?" Jim asked but no one gave him an answer,some looked at him being aware of his presence but they ignored what he said.

"The disco has already started,you know we have wolves ready to devour your ladies right?" Jim asked but no one paid attention to him.

He decided to check out what got everyone's attention but he couldn't see,the boys had made a human fort,they where on top of each other so that anyone who came in from the door wouldn't see what they were doing.

"Guys wait,my joystick ain't sitting properly," Andrew said.

Andrew was every girl's prince charming, he was the freshest and coolest teen at the school.

Jim wondered why Andrew said his joystick wasn't sitting properly and everyone started checking there pants and if any teacher was coming in when Andrew paused the video.

"Alright I'm set,come back guys we finish this quick," Andrew said and everyone gathered back and Jim managed to join in before the human fort was made and he couldn't believe Andrew had  brought his phone to school.

When Andrew played the video they were watching Jim couldn't believe his eyes,he couldn't believe everyone was watching porn.

Jim's heart beat fast,he felt his inside burning, he looked at the screen for several seconds and then looked away,he looked at every one and all there eyes were fixed to the small screen,he looked back at the screen  but he's conscious couldn't let him,he wanted to move out of the way but failed to because he got worried that everyone will see him as a wimp and start calling him a pastor which he never wanted to be called, his heart felt so heavy and was sweating profusely, he tried to look elsewhere but the urge to look at the small screen was just to strong.

"Yo Jim I didn't see you here you also watch this?" Andrew asked.

"Uhmmm n-n-no I mean yes."

"Ohh I never knew pastors watch such and why are you so sweaty?"

"I'm not a pastor and I'm just a heavy sweater you can see we're squeezed up here and fresh air ain't passing but  I'm fine!"

Yo guys you're disturbing us,can't you see we're still watching? " Peter who was the wimpish nerd in class said being agitated by the discussion because he wanted to focus on the video.

Andrew now decided they had watched enough and would continue later after the dance.

"And please guys check your pants before going in there we don't want problems," Andrew said sarcastically and laughing.

"Nah bro come on this can't hit us we're all fine and I hope the dance ends soon, I just love these videos,there are my favourite, I'd watch them the whole day,its just that I don't  have a devise to use," Peter said.

"Hmmmm that's sick bro,you'll be a sexist in the future I can see,you do not want to be an addict to such videos though ...trust me,at least if you say you'd watch every after a day I'll understand, I myself watch every once in a while," Andrew told peter.

Jim stood shocked to what he saw and heard. He listened to the other boy's conversation as they left the room.

📲🎶My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't, my anaconda don't want none unless...🎶

Then phone rang.

"Oh my phone,they might confiscate it," Ken who remained behind with Jim said.

"You also came with your phone to school?" Jim asked.

"Yah,today's a special day and I just had to come with it,okay look the truth is I'll be going some where after the the disco,today's Friday I have to enjoy my self and actually I'm expecting a very important call if you know what I mean."

"Oh okay,yes I understand and I like your ringtone."

"Oh yah its a new song by Nickie Minaj,I even have the music video, wanna see it?"

🎶Boy toy named Troy used to live in Detroit, big dope dealer money...🎶

The music played as Ken showed Jim the music video.

"Are you seeing this,look at Nickie's butt Jim,she really has a bright future behind her," Ken said.

"Wow...! But I've seen enough for today,please we're late for the dance."

"You still use that word? Dude no body says the dance any more its the Disco now come on get used to the new slang."

"Ehhh...okay...I won't argue with that and yo please let's go."

"Okay...alright let's moooooove!"

          Upon entering the school hall,Ken and Jim found Mr Mpupo and Mrs Kampata who were the dance patrons warning everyone, they were giving some rules and regulations about the dance to everyone who was in the room and the guys where put on one side from the girls.

"Hmmmm..!" Everyone was murmuring.

"Would you keep quiet!" Mr Mpupo shouted.

"We find you kissing, we promise you'll be digging for two straight weeks!" Mrs Kampata continued talking through the murmuring.

The murmuring got louder and everyone started making fun of them.

"I believe you've heard,we've warned you! DJ please start the music but remember we're watching you," Mr Mpupo said pointing his weep at the pupils.

🎶It doesn't matter how far you go when you hear us on radi-o we on fire ehh...🎶

The music played with an up beat,everyone was now on the dance flow,it almost looked like a pub,girls where twerking,some exposing their inner clothing and private body parts,the boys where touching the girls,letting the girls twerk on them and Jim went and sat at the back where no one would reach him and hoping to see Kimberly somewhere there.

He saw Isaiah dancing alone as he also hoped to dance with Shantel  and followed her where ever she went keeping an eye and distance on her but Shantel was dancing with which ever boy approached her.

"Jim!...argghhh where is this boy,Jim!" Kimberly called out.

"Hey Kim over here!"

"What are you doing here all alone?"

"Nothing really, I just felt like coming here and watch how everyone's having fun."

"Argghhh Jim you're such a dweeb, doofus! You know I've been looking for you all this while and you're... You're just sitting here watching these losers! Argghhh... I hate you."

🎶 I've seen the world,done it all,hard my cake now. Diamonds,brilliant, in Bel-Air now...🎶

A slow song started playing.

"Oh my gosh! Jim I love this song, come on let's  go to the dance floor"

Every one now got there dance partners and the DJ announced that it was time for the couples  to have there moment .

"Jim hold me.. come on,don't be afraid," Kim said.

"Uhmm I'm not allowed to touch girls."

"Don't worry,come on this is just a dance,now hold my waist like so," she grabbed his hands and  put them to her waist.

"And I'll put my hands around you neck like this," she continued and showed him all what to do.

The two looked  each other in the eyes,and Jim felt Awkward and thought that Kimberly liked him,he went on thinking of what a power couple they could be.

"What are you thinking of Jim? And for the record dude ...you're a terrible dancer,you should come for lessons at my place I'll teach you," Kimberly said.

"Well I'd love that and ...uhm,the DJ said this dance is for couples,does it mean we're a thing now?"

"Ill dude no why would I date you no way."

"I thought so because it would totally be disgusting dating you."

"Alright folks I think we've had enough of this slow jam and you have had a feel of each other and that's enough now.I can see those without dates are tired of seeing you guys, so now let's turn up the music... We turn it up a notch!" The DJ said.

          The dance was the biggest thing that happened in Jim's whole life,he had never been to such an event before,everything was just okay in his eyes. 

          Jim got back home late and tired,he couldn't even eat his food but went straight to his room and jumped into bed but he had no sleep in his eyes.

He was very excited about everything that had happened at school.

He thought of everything that had happened and then remembered that he had seen a porn video,he tried to forget about it but it kept coming to his mind.

He grabbed his phone ,looked at it and put it down again,then he got up from bed,locked the door and went back again getting his phone covering himself with a blanket. He then  went straight to Google and searched for Adult videos.