

First time ever Chapter 1: Nightmares

The best medicine to all my problems, all my sadness and all my pain.

“You okay beta” asked my mom. I know she is worried about my situation. I nod lightly from the dim light in hallway. She is in kitchen sitting on diner chair looking at me with soft eyes. I don’t know how I should act right now. My eyes are full of pain and guiltiness.

She broke the tensed silence and said “ Devika, you can take how much you want but also remember there is a perfect life waiting for you”.

I know but I don’t know if I can ever move from this he is the first person ever to whom I’m this closed ( I was that closed). I remember how we kissed first time in park how he told me he will never leave me , how he promised me to be by my side forever. He just left me like my father, like my uncle and like my friends.

I went to my bedroom from dim lighted hallway. I cuddle in my bed and hugging the pillow. Tears starting falling as memories from previous episodes hit me like the waves with tears I fall asleep.

^ ^ ^ ^

I’m running in woods- the sunlight is dim like the sun is rising and vanishing the darkness of the night. Like the glory lightly spreading slowly in the sky. The air is taken over by the scent of woods and the moist of rain. I don’t know from whom I’m running but I have to run fast I can’t take the risk of seeing backwards. Suddenly I fell from the snakes root of big tree and I realise someone is running towards me as I turned to catch the glance, confusion arise. There was only darkness which is following me this whole time. The glory of sky started fading and the darkness is taking all over the beauty of natures, the beauty of woods, the sky even the air. Dammit.

I realised that someone is coming through the darkness I can hear the footsteps as they are touching the leaves on the ground. The time must have stopped because I’m still in light and the darkness stop right it was going to touch my feet. I was still on the ground figuring out about the situations. From the darkness suddenly a hand offer me to help so that I can stand again on my legs. In the moment of time I touch his hand- it was cold like ice there is no sign of warmth of love. As I started to stand up I realised that darkness start taking the sky of my side even faster and the sky started to fade in darkness. I stepped closer to a person I realised that there is some familiar scent. I even not get time to figuring what was happening I felt the soft lips on mine. It’s him.

No I can’t take this he already taken the remaining part of me which was alive till he destroyed it.
His hands move to my waist tightly hugging me but I have to stop it this sometime. Before I can think anything- I felt pain in my heart as I see there is knife everywhere blood. He betrayed me again. He starting moving in my opposite direction- he is leaving no he can’t leave me like this.

“Please stop. Help me, you can’t leave me like this Aditya I love you please” I’m trying to run after him but I’m not able to move blood everywhere I’m crying calling his name he is not here what should I do I can’t lose him like this I hate it .

“wake up devi open your eyes” my mom said as I opened the eyes there are tears I’m crying my mom hugged me as I starting crying again that was just a dream.

“I will sleep with you tonight” I nodded. As she shifted with me there is warmth of love in her arms I’m in relief as her hands hug me tightly and with other she is caressing my hair.

Relief. Love. Warmness.

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