

Edie - 2017 (Drama) Language - Scottish English
Edie, a warm but well-worn road movie that follows a woman’s journey through her new-found freedom. Well! This movie was a liberation of thoughts and dreams, and a true dedication to all the women out there who, take care of their families without complaining, and suppress all the hidden dreams inside their heart.
This movie talks about an advanced age woman named Edie who released from the shackles of a stifling marriage, widow Edie (Hancock) leaves an empty house and disapproving daughter to head for the Scottish Highlands. The goal is Suilven, the mountain Edie had intended to climb with her father before her marriage ended their relationship. A self-confessed former wild child now hardened by a lifetime of serving others, Edie’s elderly physique proves a problem, and affable local Jonny (Guthrie), desperate for some extra cash, steps in to help out.
The highlight of the movie is the connection between cantankerous elderly woman Edie, and mild- mannered Johnny. With the mesmerizing location scenery, and the Scottish slang the movie slowly get into your nerves. Moreover, The close-ups of Shells Handcock's wonderfully expressive face, made me realise that you don't have to be young to be both beautiful and screen-worthy. This movie portrayed the message that, your dreams do not end cause, you're old in contrast, it's the actual beginning of life.... After "God's own country", and "Hope gap" this is one of the best movies to cherish from the Scottish fraternity.

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