

Our lives are comparable to the set of domino piling up and up to form the stack. Here each level corresponds to the distinct phases we experience since our childhood, the choices we make and the actions we take. One fall is capable of bringing the entire tower down but isnt humans the most intelligent species yet able to make the most faults. So isnt life truly a fall of dominoes??

Numerous times we get the realization of choosing the wrong dress, the wrong car we bought,the wrong game we purchased, the wrong career we picked. Mistakes are inbuilt in us and as in a fact its absolutely alright to commit them because it even specifies that we are growing and learning as an individual. Then why exactly should we try saving this tower from falling ??

We are always taught to be at our best version round the clock, all the time. When as a child you are expected to be proactive in learning varied skills, as a kid performing well in studies, as a youth working to build your career and getting a steady job and then as a family man working harder to soar in your professional and personal life. But, is it really possible for anyone to be a quintessential model.

We all have faced the time of regretting some of our decisions, our anticipations and assumptions. Thoughts of 'I should have taken commerce instead of science'. But what if even the option of science would have even lead to unhappy consequences. Do we train our mind to believe there are no set of standard rules to live life. Vulnerability not only makes us weak but also averts us from seeing the good that situation has. If everything seems to be dark and shady we still have a reason to be in bliss which is an encounter to one more shade life has. Every individual based on his own circumstances have their own perspective of what is right and what is wrong. The concept of idea and and blame would never prove fruitful as nobody can preempt the future chapters of the story of life.

Life should not be taken as a fall of domino rather it should be looked as a journey of persistent and continuous process of building the pillar from whatever pieces of block you have. It is only through experience that one can ever judge what is good or what is bad for him. So, dont be scared of making mistakes just trying experiencing more and more situations as the more roads we take the probability of choosing the best path gets higher. It is only after the failure of plan A that one can ponder on plan B. There is no possibility that one can forestall that the former can fail.

So, stop being so hard on yourself. We are all in the process of learning , failing and evolving. The mission is not to prevent the blocks from falling apart rather the goal should be always building up. The more the the number of layers in your design the more the number of learning one has gained and the better the understanding of life has been made!!!