

On a Monday morning, I stretched into my grey Sports top, Nike kicks and legging. Hoping to take a jog around the hood before hoping into the unknown day.

As I jogged silently, with only my bottle of water sifting side by side with me. I felt the cool morning breeze beating slightly on my angle face as I chased the wind north.

Catching my breath after three kilometers of body torture, I felt footsteps behind me. eventually they moved closer and closer until I could hear nothing else apart from the closed distance between me and the most handsome stranger I had ever encountered.

He had nicely curved jaws, alluring brown eyes and a baby smile. Even in black sweaters he looked like a god.

A cooling air pressures around us and I struggled with my words back to him. "Having a hard time breathing?" he teases.

"Of course not, Just tryina make my way back home" Sarcastically I smiled.

"Sounds cool. By the way I'm James"

"Camila" After stealing yet another gaze from him, I finally cleared my throat, "Are you new here? Never seen you around before".

"Ah, Just moved here. Two days ago"


After two, three glances he asked yet again, "Mind showing me around?"

He seemed like an extroverted guy, corky but very attractive. "Sure! I would be happy to" Deep in my head I played mind games with myself, judging myself for being too human.


Jogging back to my place, he jogged alongside me, trying to spark up a conversation but introverted me refused to come out and play.

Knowing that, that was probably the last time that I would see him anyway make me chuckle a little because guys like him don't exist in Camilla's world and he was not about to be the first one!