

You're everywhere now
I see you in everything
I hear you in my music
I feel you in my presence
It's like you're watching me
I can't get away from you
Why won't you leave me alone?
Do you know how much it hurts?
Get out of my head
Get out of my heart
Get out of my soul
Get out of my life
Please please go away
I can't take it
It makes me sick
Why are you everywhere?
I want to rip out my eyes so I stop seeing you
Cut into my ears so I stop hearing you
But it would be futile
I feel you everywhere
lingering in the air like the scent of death
It's like you're always there
Go away
Good god, please go away
I just can't stand it
Make it stop
Please stop
Your lingering is too loud
How are you always everywhere?
I can't escape it
Not even in the corner
under the covers
You're still there
I burned and shattered everything you gave me
You were still there
I burried my face in my obsessions
You were still there
I tried to drown you out with music
you were still there
I ran into the woods to try and get away
You were there
You were still there
I broke down
It was humiliating, but I couldn't help it
I had reached a limit
I didn't know what to feel anymore
So I just fell to the ground
And I laughed because it hurt so bad
And you were there
I wanted to scream so badly
It's like you're mocking me
Just watching me suffer all the time
And you say nothing
And you just won't leave me be
And it hurts in the worst way
It's torture
It never stops
You're a monster
How do I make it stop?
How do I make you go away?
I can't do this
I just can't live like this
I hate waking up because you're always there, waiting for me
I'd do nearly anything tomake you stop
You make mewant to rip myself to pieces
I want to cry, but I can't let you win
I can't be weak because of you
I don't want to give in to you
But it hurts
All of it hurts
The memories
Your betrayal
The things you took
Your constant presence
The need to scream and cry
It hurts worse than any pain I've ever felt
It hurts
It hurts so bad
I just want it to stop