

You think you are naked, in shame and dying, think of the Man of Galilee, strip naked, in his Nativity, among His keen and brethren, like a thief, and condemned criminal, or else you will faint and lose your faith. , though, as God, He put aside the glory, and honour, and taken the form of Adam, Second Adam, the greatest shame is that, mortal sons of the falling Adam, crucify the Lord of Glory,and the greatest of these processes of death is shame men has call you several name,don't mind these, but rather mind, what God called you before the foundation of the world. " you are gods,and sons of the highest", .." I have given you dominion over all the work of my hands" , mind the power of the redemption, like when " a grain of wheat falls on good ground and yield, in hundredfold, " yet in my flesh shall I see God, ".. so like Christ, despise the shame, ( put shame to shame, so to say), the greatest weapon the enemy is using against the children of God is shame, not even death, but if you can confront shame like Christ did, God Himself and His Quickening Spirit, will come to raise you into glory and honour Like He did Christ, His Firstborn, though in our spirits we are seated with Christ at the right hand of the Father, but our souls and body have not attained these, so we need to fight, to lay hold, on eternal Life in our, soul, by fighting the fight of faith, by placing our feet, were Christ feet had threaded, and fixing our eyes on Christ alone, and minding what He was minding, ,the seat at the right hand side of Of The Sovereign Father of spirit, the Most High , until our soul and body attained true redemption, if you are waiting for the validation of men, you are on your way to the grave,