

joint family vs nuclear family
Joint family and a nuclear family

1. In today’s world nuclear family is the best option to live a peaceful life. Single family can decide the choice of living hood to mange their day to day life. Joint family is a dead concept now and not having existence in today’s world.
Joint family is like fragrance of many flower in a single tree , many colour flower in a single tree. All branches are coming out from a
single stem and spreading with their own way with peace and harmony with other branches. No one creating hindrances to others. Nuclear family is like dry single branch which is a part of tree but no life to flourish .

2. In a joint family there is no clear rule through which every family to contribute equally, many times one family is dependent with others family. If any family is more successful and financially strong there is no opportunity to lead a life with extra luxury. Sharing wealth with other family members to create uniformity and harmony is simply foolishness.
3. Flavour of life is all about sharing happiness and doing something for others. It is selfishness if anyone enjoy luxury and others are suffering in a family. In a joint family sacrificing for other members is the bonding glue to maintain happiness in a joint family. The concept of the nuclear family is a dent in a family culture that never can patch up.
4. In a nuclear family, one can look after their children as per financial status. Good education and other facilities are arranged for the grooming of children. Children are not influenced by other family members. They grow up individually. In a joint family, it always happens when other family members are pocking their noses in other family members internal matters which is the wrong manner.
5. All days are not always the same, sometimes suffering may come with emergency health issues or financial crisis, in a joint family, it always happens when other family members are extended their helping hand for others. It's like a healing touch when someone is wounded. In a nuclear family during a crisis, hardly anyone comes forward without any expectation to extend support to overcome suffering.
6. In a joint family at least three generations are present who are always criticizing the present generation for forgetting the ethics of life and responsible for creating a new culture. Older members are trying to give extra privileges to grandchildren which are a major cause of spoiling individual growth. In a nuclear family, only parents are responsible for creating a culture for their children.
7. Children minds are like clay, one can give shape as they like. It's important to check what seeds are put in in soil in the name of culture which builds the character of a person. Generally, wrong seeds are planted as modern parents are restless and to some extent selfish in nature and not following any family ethics. Children are isolated and trying to follow the parent's attitude to great extent. It's commonly observed that many individuals in the young generation are suffering from depression, anxiety or over-ambitious. They are trying to snatch happiness but landed with addiction of drug or alcohol. In a joint family old members are always consoling the young generation when they are off track in life.

In the modern age it may be necessary to live in a nuclear family due for many reasons as earning money for the survival of the family is a major challenge. Living in a joint family and earning money is like a dream nowadays. Only it is possible in a business family but circumstances are not favourable to create harmony to play song like in an orchestra, we prefer now solo performance with all loudness.
The concept of a joint family is the best way to live life, it's a miniature form of social life and extension of national harmony and common feelings. The presence of a few generations in a single roof always gives chances to know past culture and family life and to take lessons for developing a new concept of the nuclear family within the framework of extended joint family culture. Once the concept is culturally set, we can create a good social fabric to develop a great nation.