

Final year (7)
Henry POV
     I woke up next morning to the sun shining brightly through my drape covered windows,warming my pillows and blanket comfortably.
       One would assume that would be a very nice way to start the day,right?
To bad,thats not how my day started.Not only did I have my laptop taken away last night,but I also was forty five minutes late,which means that I have exactly fifteen minutes to get ready for school and catch the train.

No doubt today isn't going to be an exciting day,because of that fucking quiz.with a groan,I practically threw my self out of the bed,half crawled my way to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

   Where the hell were you?Betty shrieked when she finally saw me sprinting towards them.
       "Got grounded"I wheezed out,clutching out a stitch in my side,I woke up late.
      You got grounded?"Junie repeated in a flat voice"what on earth did you do to get grounded?
    Don't tell me you'd Hooked up with another stranger,henry Crawford ?Betty asked.I snorted out a laugh,am not as bad as that you know,mum wanted me to prepare for that fucking quiz.
     "Wow"thats a good one,Betty said with a grin.Junie instantly changed the subject next,like she was so famous for,and instantly blabbing about meeting Noah.you wouldn't be lucky dear,until lunch,four classes later,before you would be able to see Noah.we didnt have a single class with that guy at all apart from today's quiz.

     What?Noah Johnson?why the hell would you meet with Noah Johnson,Betty demanded,practically sneering out Noah's name.
   Junie narrowed her eyes at her,her foul mood worsening slightly"you don't even know him Owens,he's not that bad of a guy.

    Okay,so maybe she was lying just the slightest bit when she said that,because it was plainly clear to me that Noah Johnson was a jerk.
        He's more of a freak,I said
   You're right"Betty giggled after a moment of contemplation.
Junie resisted the urge to smack her with school bag and instead,settled for slouching back in her seat,occasionally glaring over Betty.
    It was almost an hour when we finished the quiz,I plopped myself into a chair in homeroom six minutes later after the quiz with an exhausted sign,feeling like I could happily sleep for the next three years and be okay.

  When the forth period chemistry that was taking forever,finally ended ,I grabbed my things,shoved them into my bag following two idiots,I mean my besties,out of the class.
    I giggled as we push our way through the crowded lunch line and eventually managed to get a safe  roasted beef sandwich,with some steak fries,and bottles  water.

   We took our normal seat devouring our lunch.that was the exactly when I spotted Noah out of the huge masses of students eating lunch.He was sitting towards the far end of the cafeteria,and that was when we started a staring contest.

How was it, hope you enjoyed it,sorry I haven't been posting lately,am kinda busy,🙏🙏dont forget to comment.
Love you all💕💞