

Love Infinite (11)
Episode 11 :- Being fearless

Previously Shanaya and Abhimanyu help Priyanka and Shanaya seems to be impressed by the way he helped her.

She calls Viaan, her ACP friend to ask about GM who informs her that he has been granted bail. She gets his address and decides to go there. Abhimanyu joins her too. She enters his house and pushes the guards aisde.
GM :- Oh!! You!! (he was still injured because of Shanaya and Abhimanyu's beatings)
Shanaya :- Looks like you haven't recovered from the injuries I gave you in the previous fight yet you are picking another one.
GM :- Ahh!! so she told you everything.....ok no problem. I still have my plans to destroy you both, let me execute the first one.
He calls someone and orders him to do something.
GM :- You will be receiving a call my dear CEO (mockingly)
Abhimanyu was shocked as he actually received a call and was informed that he will be facing a raid by NCB if he doesn't take his case back, filed against GM.
GM :- Don't be scared. They will just shut your office for a while, your house is still safe.
Abhimanyu gets furious and walks towards him but Shanaya stops him.
GM :- (pointing to Shanaya) You wait for your turn.
Shanaya :- Let me see what you have got. Actually let's get straight to the point you haven't got hunches to be able to do this who is backing you.
GM :- You are right. I haven't got hunches but connections and smartness. Grover and Singhals!!
Shanaya seemed shocked after hearing that.
GM :- I meant the great Singhals of the Singhal Empire not any petty Singhal like you meeting whom will not even occur in your dream.
Shanaya laughed as he doesn't know who she actually is. The Queen of Singhal Empire.
Shanaya :- Singhals never back any wrong person, I am certain that before agreeing to back you Singhals would have done a background check on you. Whom are you in contact with? Chairman?
GM :- Not him, how do you think he will do such a thing after having so many people to work for him. His manager Sharma, he is helping me. Grover helped me out if jail in return for a favour that's my smartness. Singhals have a tiff with you I guess when I told your name they were ready to help me.
Abhimanyu :- It's not possible, I know Chairman sir and Manager Sharma as well. Do they know what you have done?
GM :- Yes, they do. When I told them it's you both whom I want to revenge they willingly agreed. Especially you miss Shanaya.
Shanaya smiled again because she understood that GM is digging his own grave. Manager Sharma is pretending to help him because he wants to get him arrested but she was curious why didn't he get it done still? Singhals have great influence over these things.
Shanaya :- I maybe on a tiff with them.
Abhimanyu pulled her behind. He whispered.
Abhimanyu :- Why didn't you mention your special talent in your resume?
Shanaya :- What special talent?
Abhimanyu :- Being on tiff with the most powerful people and picking fights.
Shanaya was hearing interestingly but after hearing it she gave a lame reaction.
Abhimanyu :- What do you think you will do? They will not get anything in my office, so not a huge problem for me what about you how will you save yourself?
Shanaya liked it when he was worried about her, he had still held her hand. He seemed very much worried about her. She kept her hand on his and whispered.
Shanaya :- Relax! I have got this but I am not the only in trouble. Usually in the cases like raids, he is sure because he has already planted drugs in your office.
Abhimanyu was shocked, he raised his hand but Shanaya held him and signed that nothing will happen.
Shanaya :- Let's take care of your problem first.....
She calls Grover and puts the phone on speaker.
Shanaya :- I hope you still remember me Grover?? You have started to back people against me haa!! (in an attempt to scare him)
Grover recognized her voice and got frightened, when Shanaya was running Singhal Empire he had dared to ruin Singhal's name so she had beaten him and his men almost to death. Shanaya had started to do business when she was 20, she worked for 8 years but then had quit without letting anyone know the reason behind it. Shanaya was really a figure to be feared of cause she is usually a very patient person but when it crosses the limit she really becomes very angry. She was called the Devil Queen among the businessmen, surprisingly she knew many goons as she had beat them when they were ordered to kill her. She never bends in front of anyone for her, her attitude, character and dignity is important.
Grover :- I just knew the matter not the person whom he wanted to revenge, I am really sorry believe me.
Shanaya :- Okay then do what you should in this situation don't give hand to a drowning person coz if you do so I will make sure that you also drown along with him. Do you know the interesting part he says he is getting help from Singhal Empire.
Grover :- I will do as you say, I will leave the hands of drowning person because he doesn't know that a big shark is already waiting inside.
GM :- You can't run back from your words... you promised to help me. Why are you scared of her?
Grover :- You didn't tell me that it was her whom you wanted to revenge. Even if I help you, you will not be saved from her, apologise for your mistake and ask forgiveness that's the best option for you if you have the interest in staying alive.
Shanaya :- If I get to know that you are supporting a person who has troubled an innocent being be it your family or anyone, you will face the wrath of me. Mark my words Grover. (calm and anger)
Shanaya :- He is saved. Now let me see if I am in problem.
GM :- Yeah! Singhals will not be scared of you.. you bi... (interrupted)
Shanaya :- Stop right there. It's not the right time, I haven't even done anything yet. You will get a perfectly good situation in some time to say that to me then you can say, I will not say anything. Rest on your sofa as much as you want coz jail doesn't have it.
Abhimanyu :- How dare he??
He hits him hard but then again Shanaya stops him.
Abhimanyu :- Are you for real? You were asking him to call you that!! Why are you stopping me from hitting him? He totally deserves it after what he has done. You like picking fights then why not now when you actually should.
She feels elated seeing him worried for her and smiles saying...
Shanaya :- Usually even I don't leave a person like this, but he doesn't need it he will anyways be drowning why to hit then..... and your problem is solved so don't worry (she knows he's worried for her but confirms it). Why are you still angry on him, whatever he did was to me and Priyanka so why are you angry?
Abhimanyu :- (shouts) Obviously for you..... I mean for you and Priyanka. Save yourself now I will also try.

#love #feelingoflove #badass #fighter #smart

© Bhoomish