

Land of dead (part-4)
I couldn't look at that portrait for another moment. The sound of footsteps boomed through the hallway. Shakingly I covered the portrait with canvas as it was. 'Come gentlemen the girls are waiting for you', a gentle feminine voice announced, the voice stood at the other end refusing to open the door. The realization hit me, "they didn't know I was a girl". I felt as a sensation warning me to disguise myself. I hid my long curls in the shade of my hat, and the long coat hid my feminine features. Jake and Jordan frowned in my unusual behaviour. the girl who came to call us was pretty with model like features. I could see where Jake's eyes were going, before I could nudge him the girl occupied his muscular arm and flirted all the way till we reached a weird looking steel door.

The rusty door opened to a spacious room. DJ lights flashed from everywhere, pop music boomed through the air, the fragrance of red wine and cocktails covered the atmosphere. the place was filled with models, dancing and partying. Their beauty beyond compared. Many rushed as they saw us, they covered Jake and Jordan like ants when they see a sweet piece. I refused to take off my coat. My eyes fell on a girl her curls fell down near her perfectly carved half shown breast, her eyes glowed like stars. I envyed her beauty, she winked at me thinking I was a man. A girl cupped my face, I took a step back, she felt confused and rejected. Out of nowhere a girl hugged me from behind, she was shocked to find no muscular chest. The girl pulled off my hat, curly hair fell on my shoulders. they were shocked, girls stop playing with men, the music turned off, everyone was silent all eyes fell on me. girls covered me they looked at me as they had never seen a female their entire lives. I herd footsteps approaching the girls gave way to the old receptionist, she smiled "you are back", she cupped my face "You are more beautiful than ever. you look very young Amelia" The voice rang through my ears. Amelia... the voice echoed, the images of my mother flashed through my eyes.

........will be continued
© lark lavender