

Frozen Hell | 6.1
"Prometheus! Prometheus! Kanomai! she's in trouble?!?!"

It was Demosa's voice shouting.

"she's... sleeping in his bed."
"Yeah. Come take a look."

Kanomai was on the bed.
Kanomai was in the hands of the queen.

I was put in a dark cell with a small narrow window. They chained my hands and feet. They took my clothes and gave me a simple and thin white dress. I felt pure vulnerability. They could... kill me like a mosquito.

I do not want.

I really do not want to die.
No. I will not die Because of Prometheus, Demosa, my father, mother,... even because of Anoyan.
And for myself.

I want to live and not just exist.

I will not die
that is all.
Two brothers entered. It was not clear which mind was bitter and which truth was bitter, because they were both copies of the original.

"Well, well, well, well..."
"I see we have a little girl here..."
"A poor little girl trapped..."
"Oh... what a pity... he doesn't even know why he's here..."
Suddenly the first one bent down to the level of my face. He said in a different tone.

"Because there is no supply of pity and motivation that has no right to live..."

Pain spread throughout my body. I looked at the two knives that were stuck in my body, my tears flowed along with the blood. The knife of "pathetic lack of supply" and the knife of "you don't deserve to live" kept sinking deeper and deeper into my flesh.
I have not experienced much physical pain, but the pain of the soul is terrible...

I wanted to scream. Scream that it is wrong.
They were right.
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