

Love from the ocean
She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no hope left...She made her last prayer Smiled and said to herself goodbye cruel World here i come paradise while still saying this she left the branch letting destiny take control as she fell into the ocean and could be Seen sinking but her hour seemed to have been prolonged when she was petched from the ocean by an explorer.Her body as cold as snow.could death have worn over her?? .No for she opened her eyes only to find herself on land quite disappointed not haven't met her creator. still observing around as though searching for a missing treasure she got sight of him so simple but yet as handsome as an artist then she Said with gratitude"could this be a second chance to love" he approached her with a broad smile and said to her "finally up my mystery woman how i feared the ocean had robbed the life out of you.Then she burst into laughter and replied he dared not for my life is way more greater than his might then they both laughed out loudly. He then said confidently my name is Stephen could I please know yours and she replied with a radiant smile my name is jenevive. As time went on so did jenevive developed feelings for Stephen but he didn't seem to have thesame feelings for her.
© Dipita