

Once Upon A Time.
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P.S.This is an JaMione story or James Potter x Hermione Granger story.If you fo not respect this ship,kindly leave.

P.P.S. This is only an au story,or an Alternate Universe story.In this story,Hermione is born in the Mauraders Era.

P.P.S Hermione is sorted in Ravenclaw for the sake of the plot.

P.P.P.P.S. I will be posting 5 or 6 stories about how the Mauraders and Lily felt when James falls for Hermione.This is the first one and this story is about how Lily felt.

Enjoy the story!!
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The beautiful green eyed redhead could not understand what was so special about Hermione Granger.She was smart,sure but all Ravenclaws were intellectuals and Lily herself even surpassed most of them – and she was a Gryffindor.Hermione wasn't even near pretty.The most distinctive feature that she had was her bushy brown hair and that was because it was so thick and almost swallowed her tiny frame.Her eyes weren't an interesting color of brown and her body was average at best and was shorter than most of the girls.

In conclusion,Hermione was known for her brains and hair but not for her good physical attributes.She was easily overlooked and forgotten.

That's why Lily could not understand why James Potter was looking at her like that.
Like he was thirsty and she was the last drop of water.Like he had sinned and she was his only salvation.Like everything around her was evil and she was the only good thing amongst them.Like he was trapped in perpetual darkness and she was the first source of light.Like he was dying and she was the last person he wanted to see.

It was disconcerting because Potter had never looked at her like that.

Lily could not stop staring at them although unlike the rest of her peers,she was at least subtle about it.It was hard not to miss the Ravenclaw witch when she was sitting amongst the Gryffindors,most specifically the Mauraders.Alice Greengrass was with her although there was nothing unusual about that since she started dating Frank Longbottom for more than two years and she was a regular in the Gryffindor table and Common Room.

What's unusual was her:Hermione Granger was sitting with thr Mauraders beside James Potter whose arm was wrapped around her waist as he laughed with Sirius Black.What's unusual was the glances Potter threw at Hermione as if hr wanted to reassure himself that she was there beside him.What's unusual was the looks Hermione gave him as they talked,like the world begun and ended with him.What's unusual was their quiet conversation as they immersed themselves into a world of their own despite that they were surrounded.

What's unusual was the fact that Potter wasn't staring at her anymore.He wasn't writing silly poems or singing any stupid songs to her.He wasn't saying comments about her hair – "Wanna bet that I can make you blush like your hair?" – or her name – "Hello my Lily flower! My Lily-pad!My Lily of the Valley!" – to get her attention.Not once,for many,many months now,had he tried to pester her and if she was within the same room as him,she would either be ignored or greeted like a stranger,a housemate,a classmate,not the girl he used to say he loved.

For the life of her,Lily didn't know how or when did it happened.They weren't together,were they?People had speculated but neither Hermione nor James has ever confirmed it.Some say that they had gone on a date last Hogsmeade trip and Lily's heart felt like lead when she heard that.But – but they didn't say anything about being together.As long as it wasn't confirmed,it wasn't a fact and that was the belief that Lily held strongly.

Lily felt a storm in her stomach when she saw Hermione reaching up and brushing his messed up hair,and Potter was ducking his head for her to reach it better.His eyes remained on the bushy haired girl – always on her – and Lily immediately looked away,hating the way her heart clenched at the tender sight.

Her friends once told her that she would rue the day Potter would give up on her and she never believed them.Lily didn't gave any feelings for him.Potter was a big prat who only cared about himself.He was an egotistical,conceited and spoiled pig who thought he was so special just because his family was rich and he was a pureblood.The way he walked around the school as if it was his property.The way he taunted the Slytherins made her feel sick of him.How could she ever fall for a vile boy like him?

However,Lily would never admit it to anyone, but there were times when his antics made her smile whenever she was alone or laugh when nobody was looking.Potter was quite creative sometimes to the point that she,herself was impressed.That didn't change the fact taht she was childishness and his lack of maturity.

He was awful and cruel and annoying and spoiled and bigoted and misguided and-

And Lily terribly missed him.

"Lily classes are starting." She vaguely heard Mary Macdonald saying beside her.

Lily forced herself to smile. "You two go.I'll stop by the library for a moment."

She and Marlene nodded before leaving her,never knowing or spotting her troubled thoughts.Lily glared at the plate in front of her and shook her head,maintaining an air of calmness around her when deep inside all she wanted to do is scream at the unfairness of it all.She had already lost Severus and now it appeared that she lost Potter too.

She looked at Hermione agan,wondering what was so special about her.

Once upon a time, it used to be her.
Now, it would never be.

"In another life,could I have made you stay?"

© SadVerity