

... continued from 3

My time as a political protege was beginning to be interesting with a lot of lessons learnt already and more in the offing. I was already imbibing the political tenets and gradually, started seeing myself differently from the way I used to. One thing that always struck my cord was how naturally gifted politicians could be when it comes to the conviction of their preys, the very voters.

Just like a medical student would swear to the hippocratic oath before being fully inducted into the medical field, I was told there was something similar in the field of politics. According to the brief, I would have to pass through a political rite of passage if at all I dream of succeeding in the game. Right at the verge of finding out what such rite entails, an unfortunate occurrence struck!!

Back in the village, the small thatch house harbouring my family was already threatened by flood to a point where half of the building had already collapsed. My mother and siblings would have to manage the remaining half with daily renewed hope of things getting better some day. It has always been my earnest wish that fortune soon smiles at me; with that, I could erect a new, befitting, and palatable edifice for my mother who ranks as one hell tested woman, especially recently when my father had to embark on a missionary journey of no return.

As I prepared to embark on a certain consultative meeting with my political godfather, a distress call rang my phone... My attention is urgently needed back home... Some of my acclaimed powerful uncles have already concluded plans to drive my family out of the dilapidated thatch house they were managing. They want to sell the land where the building is erected... They need money to plan for one of my uncle's chieftaincy conferment... They've spotted vulnerable scapegoats in my family.

Desperate times call for desperate measure. I had to go against diverse attempts by my boss to stop me from attempting the voyage immediately. Nay! I insisted on going that same day. Moments later, I finally hit the road heading for Ubodung.

After spending some hours on the road, our vehicle moves closer to our village. From afar, we sight a police checkpoint. As we get closer, an officer in the middle of the road flags for us to slow down and possibly stop for vehicle search. Whatever it was that made our driver refuse stopping at the instance of the officers on duty, we wouldn't know. The last thing I could remember was the sound of the gunshot released by a trigger-happy and probably drunk officer. It was sporadic as bullets flew haphazardly, hitting the driver and other passengers. At this point, our vehicle was out of control, with high velocity, it rump into a spoiled old caterpillar...alas, that was the last of my consciousness!

As I regained my consciousness, I realized I had already been in the hospital for 4 days. I was comatose. How did I get here? I enquired." The vehicle you boarded was involved in an accident- a good samaritan brought you here" was the response I got from the nurse who was at my bedside. I was also duly informed that apart from the driver, three other passengers had lost their precious lives. At that point I couldn't imagine how lucky I was. It was also time for the reflection on the live I had lived while rueing my stubborn nature. I should have listened to my boss and postpone the calamitous voyage, I mused.

While in my state of sober reflection, the next thing that came into my mind was how to reach my family and loved ones. I had lost my phone at the accident scene... My family would have been so worried. My mom is hypertensive, she can dramatically pass out on hearing what has befallen me... I am the hope of my family. How do I reach them just to assure them I'm fine? I rhetorically soliloquize. As I got carried away in my thought, I dozed off.

In my semi conscious state, I felt a cold hand touching me. "I got a call from the hospital that you've regained consciousness, I'm so happy. You must be hungry so I brought food for you". Those were the words I heard before my eyes were open. Who could that be? As I managed to open my eyes, I saw a beautiful lady beside my bed. She was fair in complexion; not too young and not too aged. "Who are you"? I would enquire... "my name is Angelica. I found you at the accident scene and brought you to the hospital".
My oh my! I just met the good samaritan; my life saver. I didn't hesitate, but muster a little strength to say the words "thank you for saving my life"! "You're welcome... I'll see you when I'm back from work" was her response. She left immediately!

I am now stuck in the hospital. My target now is how to get in touch with my family and acquaintances... Will the good samaritan be more helpful? How do I pay her back for her kindheartedness towards me?

We'll find out.

My name is Ntemuse...my story is not ending now. Through thick and thin, fortune and misfortune, light or darkness, I am determined to go against all odds... I MUST SURVIVE!!!