

Grandma's stories
Once there was a king who loved his daughter so much that he did not want to put her hand into marriage until and unless he finds a man just like himself, loving and caring.

Therefore he announced that the man who fulfils all his conditions shall only get the princess. The conditions are as follows:
1. It is more like a riddle,
"Is it rice or gold, that once spilled cannot be taken back?
2.Give the most valuable treasure in the world. It can be anything such as the blue saphire or the rare red diamond.
3.He must bring God.

Well, who on Earth could bring God down? Many kings and Princes tried and failed. People went to seek Socrates, saints and what not! but nobody could win the princess.

A wise man in the kingdom came from his long sacred journey, and all through his journey he heard about the king and the three conditions.

He came to the palace. The king warmly welcomed the man. He explained all the conditions. The man calmly accepted the conditions and said that he needed some time.

The king gave him a day. The next day he came to the palace with an old tame lady. The king asked him answers and he said one by one.

1.It is the words you used and the time you took that you spilled, which cannot be taken back.
2.The most valuable thing in this world is the whole hearted blessings.
3.The only God on Earth is mother.

The king was very pleased and immediately arranged for his daughter's marriage.