

Home Of the Lost: Volume One- Part Two
Taylor was going to go visit his remaining friends. He missed Elizabeth so much, he feels complete and utterly useless. He sighed and walked around for a moment.

Rockie sat in his padded room, holding his head laughing for no reason. "Hahahahahahahah!" He was sounding like a complete psycho path. He was sitting in the corner of the room, when he stopped laughing and suddenly started screaming. The security guard that was watching the cameras noticed this and instantly sent four of the nurses into the room. Rockie was being forced to the floor, he was screaming and thrashing around, as the nurses were trying to hold him down. "GET OFF OF MEEEEE!!! GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF!!" Rockie was impossible to hold completely still, the nurses were finding that out the hard way. Rockies was being transform to another asylum, but when the nurse went to look at the nurse near the door to give an order, Rockie bit the nurse all the way to the bone, the nurse screamed and let go of Rockie,

((sorry guys this chapter is shorter than the last, the next chapter will be completely about Rockie))