

Part One - Sadistic Detention
Ace managed to find a post far closer to her flat in Poznan, and this really was it. Not that it seemed to be any worse or better than anything else.

But, let me tell you a little about Commander Ace. I have known this lady since a few years before the war began. We had an encounter, one that gave rise to a kid, a Girl called Anna.

Ace did not intend to join the Army, she still isn't actually part of any army 'per say', a fact which as you will come to see, never grows old. Mind you, she can hold her own.. "Xander, Zykes that is to you. I hope you understand that I am of course, British. Pffff she thinks that's an insult. Also 'I have considerably more money than you, I could not help but notice there'.

What is most aggravating about the second one, I never once said anything remotely close to that and even I can hear it being me to say it. Jolly well then.

Ace is as I said Polish. I think it important before we go condeming anyone here, this is a really nasty war, and Britain is almost impossible to siege, at least not with tactics anyone either has, or is willing to use right now. Nice huh? Damn straight it is. For us, and really only us.

Poland do not have the luxury of such things. They are in fact stuck between two nations who seem to think its looting season. To be fair, Imma say this, even if it gets bloody published. But they seemed to really have made the decision that they were gonna get what they want, quite literally or die trying.

Anyway, our very first encounter, well lets say Ace has a very strange taste in men. Wait except for me, I mean not that there are others or anything.

My frickin word Xan, you are writing out an argument in a story that you are doing. I mean I actually am here ya know XD

We met at Treblinka, and not for the reason we were meant to meet, but a better one for all in the end; actually, maybe not quite all. I guess, the SS officers, and two guards might not agree. But in the spirit of what I hope to achieve in this.

There are few people as Evil as the SS, and those who serve on the Warffen SS ranks; as depraved, cold hearted, inhuman, and absolutely heartless. So it made me, or more specifically, my skin crawl; when I would find myself actually liking them.

I could not find the words to explain how it feels, when you are stood there, talking to the most sweet family, if only they weren't under the spell of a pathological fascist who would enjoy his role slaughtering Jews.

The sad part is, the kids may have been slightly indoctrinated, but the man who is supposed to protect them, has laid their lives on the line, as so very often they die with him.

I do feel bad yes, for those who were too young to understand, of course I do. But they are murdering Jewish babies. Jewish Babies aren't exactly picking on them. Nobody picks on them.

Wait, that's not exactly true is it? I do.

But there are very many occasions, where my duties have more been directed at gathering intel. Such a time was Treblinka Death Camp. This was for Zykes the worst assignment one could ever have. For things COULD have ended very differently. Had these events played out even one day later,things would have been so very differently. Zykes had told her this, to leave before she left in a shower. Much to his annoyance, she refused his help.

"Listen to me will you? Do you see those faIries out there? Perhaps its the unicorns. I don't really know"

Zykes grabbed her, and for the first time. He sort of shook her but not hard.

"Ace? Please....? They are toying with you, you'll be taking a shower tomorrow morning, that is a fact. Just leave, and stop this ok? Let me show you something"

He checked they were alone, then showed her the crucifix around his neck. Then immediately put it away.

"You may be the undoing of me, but I am not Commandant Mueller ok"

"GASP! LIKE.....GAAA.....SSSSP. I have yet to meet a kind at heart Nazi. But I mustn't leave you, its not time yet"

"Ok I tried to avoid thisl trust me, God does not see what happens here. I know if you are here tomorrow, you will die. So please ok? Stop the God shit right"

Ace seemed at first hurt by that.

"I have to assume you think they don't know, or are not as angry as you expected they'd be about you being Ace.. They aren't they don't care about murdering spies as a general rule. But go on then, I like you, so tell me why?"

Ace smirked with a big grin, Zykes rolled his eyes.

"Because you have a heart. I will prove it. Open that door, I bet you, if you don't 'Rescue' and protect the kid crying on the other side. Though, the others would understand surely? He needs a hug is all. Normally I wouldn't suggest a hug for a German Sniper. But I saw what made him cry, and he isn't supposed to be here. He is only 14, and is beyond terrified. I think there are others who don't like his ability and that isn't his fault"

Zykes opened the door and dragged the boy in.

"You see now? I'm aware they know, but the plan has changed. We wil TAKE HIM TOO"

Zykes was fairly shocked, there really was a kid there. If he was honest, he heard the kid crying. It's just a place where that wasn't so uncommon. But she was right, had anyone else seen, they'd have cut his throat for being a coward. They also walked through that corridor by the time he shut the door.

"Kommandant Müller, Sir! Es tut mir leid, Sir, ich wollte nicht weinen. Ich... ich habe Angst, Sir"

Zykes stood there shocked, he had seen that Sniper multiple times a day, he was competent and very efficient. However, that he was FOURTEEN, I never felt so guilty and ashamed. I felt more for him in that moment, than for the Jews, NOT because they didn't matter, that's the point. I was doing this ALL FOR THEM. But bless that poor kid, had I known, I would never have left him to hold his own with the guards here of all places.

But I also hadn't forgotten Aces words. By now, having seen that I was at least on friendly terms with a Polish terrorist, it frightened him more. He looked down, seeing he'd pissed himself he started to cry again.

"I know you speak fluent English, you should be proud of that, at fourteen! I know you are scared, everyone except a few are"

He looked at Zykes and Aces skeptically. It was clear he was trembling.

"I have walked into something I wasn't to see haven't I? But I won't beg either, I guess this is it for me. Please make sure my family get my stuff"

Zykes was actually trying not to cry. He did hug him, so did Ace, very much to his confusion; one can forgive the poor kid for tensing up.

"I would much rather you did that yourself! We may be people who would have meant you harm before. But only because we didn't know you as a person. So I want you to come with us!"

"Ich heisse Mika, wie heißen sie?"

He said, though through heavy sobs; but through those tears of terror, that were soaking his little hood. Zykes had killed many German Snipers, as that's his specialty. But Mika was not meant to be there, Zykes knew that, he had seen his file. It states that he is pretty much useless, except he's a really really awesome shot, almost as good as mine. But this isn't a normal situation. The SS want him solely for his accuracy. They literally laugh at his timid nature in the file, and suggest someone else more 'Suitable' might take his score anyway.

"I am Zykes, and this is Ace, although today I am Camp Cmdnt Stefan Mueller and Ace is Lisa. But they don't matter now anyway. Also, listen kid, you are required to stay at our side at all times. We can't risk you leaving here and if I am perfectly honest, its not you that I have trust issues with, it's quite literally everyone else. We have already had one small matter with you already haven't we? It wasn't even your fault, it was that through your desire to be kind, you trusted someone who you likely thought was nice. Had I not seen you talking to them, regardless of what bullshit reason they gave you to try and justify the fact they were about to drag you into that dorm, and murder you, very violently, and very quietly. I probably would have ignored it being anyone else. But I saw you on your first day and I felt terrible that anyone would send you here"

Mika looked somewhat nervous, after all the truth is he was actually rather scared. Zykes had been aware of it for some time, and had protected Mika best he could.

"May I ask what you meant by that?"

Zykes sighed loudly. He locked the door first.

"Mika here may well be a kid, but he was still dressed in the outfit of one of the most hated operators. People don't care if Mika is kind. I know you are new to this, but I assure you, that knowing he was nice would have made it worse. Mika got taken in by a Jewish boy. In all humanity I do not blame the poor child, or any others. This is not their fault. But its not his either. When I saw them punch him in the gut, he was winded, and being dragged violently inside. When I got in there, one of the men was about to kick him in the back and snap his spine. Its a common way of removing a sniper. It also means he wouldn't die, and we won't risk recovering him. SO he'd be trapped in the worst place for poor Mika, and at the worst time. They will have fun with him, he won't. On top of that, and kid this is why you are here alive, and under my ptotection. The SS guards hate you. they are waiting for a chance to kill him and take his score"

Zykes could see the sadness in her eyes, and she had tears running down her face.

"I am sorry Mika, for ever thinking poorly of you, for thinking any of this is on you. Most of all, I am sorry for the people I have mocked and hunted, then killed who may have been your friends. Someone should say that to you"

It was a terrible situation, as she could recall feeling very differently about many individuals dressed that way. Also, she often took pride in her craft, which frankly was to kill people just like Mika, and to make sure the death is as horrifying as possible.

Now she looked at Mika and it was hard not to see those individuals as Mika; when even worse was she really did suspect many of them be kids.

What started her crying is that she saw Mikas face, the moment Zykes took his hood down. He was in every way that could be defined, as identical to him as she had seen.

Zykes saw him hold on to this charm he had, and held it for dear life. He really had to ask.

"Mika, that little charm? Why are you clutching on to it for dear life?

Mika looked at it, and it was impossible to not notice that it meant so much to him, despite it's true value. But on that note, he didn't look like he had a lot to call his own. So upon seeing that it was the sort of charm that could be hung on a chain. He could tell Mika was too embarassed to ask.

Zykes took off what at first appeared to be a silver chain. It had to be, as a gold one that weight . would have cost 1000s of pounds. Mika must have practically had a heart attack. He gasped rather loudly.

"I don't understand! I don't know why you are doing this, why you are being kind to me now. Please tell me, I am scared"

Zykes looked at Ace, there was a sadness that he had, that was reflected right back when he looked at Ace. Ace was not as accustomed to the concept of mercy as Zykes.

"Don't worry kid, I don't understand either. I would have condemned you to a death that was unspeakably cruel. I would never have seen your kind face. I am so damn sorry for hurting those like you"

Mika just smiled at her, and hugged her.

"But we would never have defeated the Nazis alone! Everyone thinks the Nazis are all of us, I am no Nazi! I would rather die horribly, than die a Nazi"

Ace chuckled and held him at arms length so she could see his face. Which still made her come to tears.

"SO WOULD I KIDDO. You are exceptionally brave! You have honour, like us. That's why you'll be with us,at least unti its safe for a German kid to return to Germany. You deserve to return a Hero......."

Ace had realised how incredibly sad it was, that he will NEVER be given the recognition he deserves. Here was a 14 year old boy, and he stood up to SS officers, even if he did piss himself doing so; most people would.

"Why are you crying? I am not gonna die now, I think you two are lovely people. He would risk telling me of all people he is, what he said. You, well I think all Germans are scared of you, and your kind. Not Polish, Polish special forces. We often are left to face them ourselves. It never ends well for us, does it?"

Ace had to sniff before she could then gasp.

"What are you talking about, I am here, and you are, if I am honest kid, you are a really sweet boy. I will NEVER let anyone, frankly on any side, harm you. So yes, it can. I am not sure I will talk the the others into this mind, but you are staying with us anyway. STOP LOOKING AT YOUR SNIPER OUTFIT, YES IT DOES SHOW YOU ARE GERMAN..... OH HELL NO....HOLD STILL"

Ace furiously removed all insignias relating to the Warffenn SS. However when she realised how little that left him it was sad. But Zykes was smiling and he had a plan.

"Kid, you know that officially I cannot award a German anything military right?"

"Hmm, you are supposed to take my life too!"

"Well, that isn't going to happen. But, this is the German BLUE CROSS OF VALOUR. Kid I have the outfit of an evil war criminal, and somehow I don't think the German people ever wanted Stefan Mueller to ever hold a Blue cross. But since you had a Warffen SS Rank insignia, I cannot promote you except as an SS Rank. You are NOT one of them. You do not belong here! So instead, both myself and my POLISH counterpart here, both people who murder war criminals to spare the likes of you. But if you stand to Attention I want to say something. Something very very important! ATTENTION SOLDIER"

Ace looked at him, she was crying, but with happiness, she nodded so he knew she approved.


" Mika, you are a wonderful boy. Having you here, it reminded me every single day, that you are not all evil, not all fucked up war criminals. Most importantly that not all of you deserve to get hurt. Damnit you do not deserve to be here. But you are, and look at how its turned out. So Mika, I am awarding you this Blue Cross of Honour. I know it is a Air force medal, but regardless it represents that the person is a brave, courageous soldier who fights with honour. You exceed that standard, and you will make it back after this is over. You will fight with us until, well, such time that I promise, all talk of being part of the SS will be forgotten"

Mika really looked affected by that, then he didn't cry, but he had tears in his eyes.

"No, it won't be forgotten...look!" Mika showed them his SS Tattoo.

"Sweetie, that isn't real! I have seen many men wear that tattoo, not once have I seen it like that"

Mika chuckled "They made a mistake! I am O RH+ Not A RH + so yes I know"

Zykes and Ace had both gasped at the same time.

"It's no mistake Mika, they don't need you to live long, you are the distraction. You were meant to be, you won't be now. They hoped you'd be given blood and die!"

Zykes made everyone a hot drink.

"You will both sleep in here with me tonight, I wouldn't sleep at all otherwise. We leave tomorrow and no we have no choice, its my exfil, Ace will hijack it forcefully, so we can take Mika without some shit cutting his throat"

Zykes actually gave up his own officers bunk, so the kid would at least sleep. Ace and Zykes helped him into the bed, they even both helped tuck him in. They went to get up and move to the floor, but very understandably Mika was scared, and he grabbed their fatigues, and he asked them whispering.

"PLEASE? BITTE? Ich habe sehr Angst, und ich sind alle allein!"

Zykes smiled at Ace, well he chuckled actually.

"I guess our reunion will have to wait then huh?" He said winking

Ace rolled her eyes, but throyugh a smirk. Zykes shrugged back.

"Du bist nicht allein, Du wirst nie wieder allein oder verängstigt sein, Mika, das versprechen wir dir beide.“

Zykes sat on the bed, and Ace next to him.

"Komm schon, Mika! Mach Platz für uns, wir bleiben bei dir. Niemand wird dir jemals wieder wehtun.“

Mika just smiled, and in the way only a child could. It reminded them both, how little he deserved to be here, and how scared he must have been, to even consider this. Ace was the one who put her arm over him, and in her hand she held her knife.

At first this was a little scary for Mika, and he kept looking over at the knife. His whole expression changed. But Ace looked into his eyes and smiled.

"This is not to hurt you, it's to hurt anyone who would think of doing so. Mika, if anyone were worth protecting it's you. Am I supposed to kill a kid cos he is wearing the wrong uniform? Maybe. Also, maybe it's legal to kill you, maybe even they'd call me a hero......."

Mika was physically shaking, and Zykes could feel it. But then she kissed him on the cheek.

"But no matter what they call me, or what medals I get; I would always know the truth! I would know that I committed an act of true cowardice and killed you cos it looks good for me. I think you know I'd never do that! You know, if I were gonna kill you, I would tell you so, not murder you as you sleep! But only you can truly know how truthful that is. But if you believe me, then sleep well kiddo. We have a busy day tomorrow, all of us do"

With that, Mika soon fell asleep. Shortly after, so did Ace & Zykes. Only after Zykes spoke to Ace.

"Good night Ace, you know I missed you right? I never forgot us. I just knew that as things tensed up, finding you would be most dangerous to you. I got your letter, but the MOD would not authorise my reply. They said it confirmed both our positions as agents, and they were right. Let's make sure we ....give it a better shot. After we get Mika to safety"

Zykes realised she had fallen asleep. He kissed her on the cheek, hugged Mika and went to sleep.

[Part 2 - Cont'd]