

My Dream,Mine
My Dream,Mine....
All alone during one of my uneventful days.
After chatting, watching movies(I couldn't complete) and exploring other apps
I decided to take a nap because I had a severe headache which was my cue to get rested.
I can't remember how I slept off ,I usually have my mind busy before bed but it wasn't the case
I. Just.Slept.Off
"Suddenly I find myself entirely in another world or should I say dimension
but not out of the ordinary world,in terms of appearance
The atmosphere was different,so different from what I am used to....
And there was a Man,whose characteristics screamed "magical"*in a soft voice*
I found myself loving him and HE,who had already declared his love for me🥺❤️

There was woman,who appears to be in her late 40s ,represented as an Obstacle to our love
Obstacles like....jealousy,deceit,doubt and et cetera
I,who has never felt so much love for anyone ,was so sure of the love I had for this man
Trust me ,when I say the man was Extraordinary,he was so Different and
I...I Loved him.

The woman called Obstacle gave us a very difficult time that rendered the both of us restless
but the feelings,the love we shared was so strong,we fought for each other in spite of every hurdle
We strived till the end.....I was so sure he was MiNe

That was the time we came close to a physical touch.
He held me like I was His and he was ready to fight anytime and any day for the woman he loves
I felt safe in his Embrace....it was Spiritual, Exceptional, Sensational and felt so Real

next thing,I found myself calling him HusBanD and him, calling me WiFE, HiS VeRY Own
My body , spirit and soul felt like it belongs to him and his to me
We lived as normal couples who overcame everything that could come our way
We became a soul,we shared and diid everything together,we even made friends together
We touched other people or rather I'd say, people were touched by us......"

. . ...then I woke up to reality,trust me when I say I have never had this kind of dream before
Everything felt so Real ,I Wanted MorE....it was BeaUtiFuL ....
F**K My LifE!!!!! it was a dream,My DreaM
Which makes me wonder if I would ever have that in Real LifE🥺


© A.S.H🦋