

Extra Kilos: Extra burden

Hello, I am Rajni. I
want to share my story, my plight of being body shamed in my teenage.
Let’s start.
I was a healthy, plump girl. From childhood, I was lean and thin, but due to medical issues of PCOS and hypothyroidism I gained a lot of weight and that was my biggest mistake according to people. Wherever I go on this planet, I was being humiliated, mocked because of my weight and appearance. I had heard all sorts of disgraceful comments in my teenage. I was often termed as ‘moti’, ‘bhais’ etc. When, I was in my high school group of girls used to make fun of my weight. They often used to murmur and laugh behind my back. I had got all sorts of advice like ‘yoga karo’, ‘do some exercise’ etc. I had endured every taunt and mockery with a smile and pretended not to be affected by these statements, but deep down my heart aches and I had no idea what should I do. I tried all sorts of exercise, diets to get into the shape but due to my medical condition, I was not able to shed extra kilos.
By continuously starving I became very weak physically.
Previously I used to be a happy-go-lucky kind of girl, but years of mockery and humiliation in the name of harmless joke started tremendously affecting me. I started avoiding parties, gatherings from the fear of being mocked. Eventually, I isolated myself from all the social gatherings.
My self-confidence was shattered and I started looking at myself from other people’s perspectives and believed I am ugly. I was so disheartened that I stopped looking myself in the mirror which I used to love previously.
This kind of behavior affected me so much that I started feeling low and depressed. My peace of mind was gone, and I was not able to concentrate on my work. People’s so-called harmless joke had made me cry many times. I used to feel that ‘Am I a joke material?’
To be honest, I was so devastated that I had suicidal thoughts, but with my family and friend's support I can cope with such a situation, and my self-confidence was restored and today all my issues are resolved.

Authors point:

Body shaming seems to be a very minor thing but it affects a person’s mind in a very larger way. Body shaming statistics indicate that 90% of teenage girls have been body shamed.
Recent studies show body-shaming comments can leave a lasting impression on those who receive them not just mentally but physically too as we can see in the above story. I don’t understand who gave anyone the right to mock and make fun of others. In life everything is temporary, nobody knows what is in store for us. Today we are in shape, but we don’t need to remain likewise lifelong. Like Rajni, we all are susceptible to such changes which are not in our control. So we should keep ourselves in Rajni’s shoes before commenting or belittling anyone.
We should have empathy towards each other rather than mocking and disparaging.

Note:The above story is a work of fiction. It  has no resemblance with any person living or dead

© Shwetasingh29