

Cursed part 1
I scream for help but no one comes. I ask them to stop but they don't. I want to be free but I'm not able to be. My life is so long but at any moment it can be cut short. All these things is what I think about thought the day. My whole life I've been cursed. When I was born my father was right to leave me and my mother was right to kill herself. Everytime I met someone they become cursed too. They would not to kill themselves or stay cursed and make others suffer. I can't end my life yet I have to keep my promise no matter what. I just hope to live to keep my promise. I wonder if God cursed me. I always wonder why was I cursed. Why do people I met get cursed? While I'm writing this in my journal there are people outside my house. I live in a village so what's going to happen wouldn't matter to the law. I just hope I can escape these people. They all have weapons and stuff like that like in the old movies. If I do die here my journal will be my will. I just hope it won't burn. I hear everyone screaming "leave are village cursed witch!" I ignore them but it's kinda of hard to. a man walked up to my door and pored gas all over my house he had a lighter and burned my house. My house was burning so much that there was no please to escape except one...

© Sammy Ayala